Cat Cafe

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So here's a normal one-shot for you. Sorry I haven't been updating all that much lately, since I couldn't really think of any other ideas for a cool one-shot that wasn't themed. I've been reading a crap-ton of OTP prompts for this, so yeah. Hope you enjoy.
Hayoung glanced at Karma for what seemed like the millionth time since he suddenly bolted up the couch, grabbed his car keys and announced they were going somewhere just out of the blue that afternoon. As of right now, Karma's eyes were directed fully onto the busy road, occasionally flickering over to the GPS directions on his phone. She'd tried getting his attention, but he might as well have been a statue for all she tried. She'd also tried peeking at his phone, but Karma had put it at an angle where Hayoung could only see the back of the phone. And Karma wasn't exactly giving anything away. No matter how many times she'd asked, he'd only smile mysteriously and say something along the lines of 'You're gonna love it' or 'You'll see'. More of the latter, actually.

It felt as if they'd been driving forever since they'd left the house. Karma's car was still cruising along, not seeming like it would be stopping anywhere soon. Even in the middle of the afternoon, Tokyo was still incredibly busy. Crowds of pedestrians moved about the streets like ants, some with eyes glued to their smartphones; others were chatting animatedly to friends. There were also no shortage of cars either. It was a weekend, after all. At this point, Hayoung knew it was basically useless to ask Karma just where they were headed, or why they were out during a perfectly typical afternoon with nothing on their itinerary. However, she knew that Karma was never one to stick to a routine for any period of time, and admittedly, sitting around the house just got boring sometimes.

Realising a little bit late, Hayoung saw that they had arrived in Harajuku. She frowned. Harajuku was mostly frequented by fashionable youths and tourists, and filled with boutiques and trendy cafes. And all the colours. Whatever colour it was, there seemed to be a bright, pastel shade of it in Harajuku. She turned to Karma, wondering what he had up his sleeve all this while. If she could read his mind, she would. Except that it would be quite rude. Karma was still focusing on the road, not uttering even a single word. Hayoung was starting to get slightly impatient. Just where the hell were they going that warranted such secrecy? So far, the only thing breaking the silence was the robotic voice telling him directions.

"In 200 metres, turn left and take the second exit."

After following the directions, the robotic voice said the words Hayoung had most wanted to hear ever since they'd started driving.

"You have reached your destination."

She looked out her window. Between two vintage boutiques was a two-storey building painted a soft lilac. The glass door was flanked by two large windows, both of which provided a view inside the building, which was crawling with cats of all colours and sizes doing typical cat things. Hayoung's eyes travelled to the sign, which was lit up with the words 'Feline Palace'. They then went to Karma, who'd just killed the engine and taken the keys out of the ignition.

"All this secrecy for a goddamn cat cafe?"

"Hey, I know it doesn't look like much, but you'll like it. I promise."

Hayoung looked askance at him, then at the cat cafe, then at him again. From what she knew about themed cafes like this, they usually had a pretty good premise, but would actually turn out to fall a bit short of expectations. Usually due to overpriced food. Noticing her eyeing the cafe suspiciously, Karma chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about that. I made sure to do my research before coming here."

"You just went on Yelp and read a couple reviews, you mean."

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