Dinner Party

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Hayoung stared at her reflection in the mirror, pinching and pulling at her dress. Pushing her hair back, she examined herself again. All seemed well until she spotted stray hairs. Grabbing a brush off her dressing table, she ran it through her hair feverishly, trying to get at every bit of hair that stuck up on her head. When she was satisfied that her hair was returned to its usual sleek lustre, she put the brush down with a relived sigh. God forbid that she look a mess around Karma's coworkers. Glancing at the clock, she saw that she still had time. Well, I guess that's what happens when you don't need so much time to get ready.

Hayoung had started a couple hours before Karma would come to pick her up, as there was no chance in hell that she'd let what happened while preparing for their first date happen again. She wasn't expecting herself to get ready in such a short while, though. Or at least halfway. A voice at the back of her head nagged that she should do something with her hair other than brush it, or maybe put on some more makeup. Hayoung disregarded this voice, however, and went on with her preparations. She'd packed her cell phone, breath mints and other necessities into a small clutch. She'd also taken care to look for shoes that matched her dress, which was not an easy task as most of her shoes were either boots, dark coloured or both. After digging deep into her closet, she'd managed to fish out a pair of pale pink kitten heels Cassandra had gotten her as a birthday present. Thankfully, the shoes needed no cleaning, as Hayoung had never seen any incentive to wear them, and left them in their shoebox.

A knock on her door drew her out of her bedroom to open it for Karma. He was dressed in a sharp suit and tie, and his hair had been slicked back.

"Hey. You done?"

Hayoung sighed. "Just about. I feel like something's off, though."

Karma examined her from head to toe. "Hmm... Maybe you need a little razzle-dazzle."


"Jewellery, makeup, maybe?"

"I'm pretty sure I won't be wearing makeup for this..."

"Well, your complexion's good enough to not need any. But it's a bit lacking like this. Here, I'll help you out."

Karma couldn't help but express his surprise at the state of Hayoung's bedroom.

"Huh. I thought it'd be more of a mess, since you girls do spend some time getting ready."

"I got ready in a surprisingly short amount of time."

"Anyway, let's get to work! Where do you keep your jewellery?"

"I don't wear jewellery, but... There." Hayoung pointed at a jewel box on her dressing table. Karma immediately took it apart, scooping out a handful of precious jewels.

"Holy crap... If this stuff's real, it's gotta cost a fortune!"

"Yeah... I don't wear them often, though."

Karma picked out a pair of diamond earrings. "These would go well with the dress..." He tucked Hayoung's hair behind her ear. "Oh. You don't have piercings."

"I never really saw the point of it. It's not even close to being practical."

"That's okay. I can get a necklace or a bracelet."

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