Video Games

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Alright, guys. So I have sort of a schedule for these one-shots now. So basically I'm gonna publish at least one one-shot per month. I know you'd probably want weekly updates, but me being the flakiest flake on this earth, I'm not so sure if I can handle that kind of commitment. So yeah, this will be November's one-shot, and I'll have two Christmas one-shots out by December! Yay! (Good God help me)
Hayoung shook away droplets of rain from her long black hair as she followed Karma's hurried footsteps into the store they'd decided to take shelter in. As she scanned the shelves stocked with the newest releases of video games uniformly arranged side by side and watched as Karma wove through the aisles, she wondered if taking shelter was some sort of peculiar plan. She'd heard him mention a few days ago that he'd wanted to expand his video game collection. Hayoung let out a small huff. His video game collection was almost the size of his wasabi collection at this point.

"Hayoung, over here!"

Hayoung walked over to the back of the store, where Karma was hunched over a section of shelf labelled 'Horror'.


"I've never played a horror game before." He simply said.

Before Hayoung could say anything else, he'd went back to browsing through the shelves again. Her eyes roved down the shelf, examining the titles. Fatal Frame, Until Dawn, Resident Evil... None of these games seemed familiar to her, but she supposed Karma knew them. Come to think of it, most of the games in Karma's collection seemed to open-world RPGs and competitive games that usually involved two players. Hayoung couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnect when she realised that all the gaming terms she knew were because Karma always insisted she take part in his nightly gaming sessions. She wouldn't say she was an expert at any game now, but she figured she'd be able to hold her own in any case.

"Oh, hey! I've heard of this one." Karma exclaimed, picking up a game.

Hayoung went over to take a look. There was a small figure in a bright yellow raincoat standing atop a wooden table, with a gaunt grey hand grabbing it under the figure. All around them were stacked plates and several pots and pans, with green walls and a white door. 'Little Nightmares' was emblazoned at the top in skinny white letters. She frowned.

"Just what is this game about?"

Karma held it up to the light. "No clue. I don't expect to know, anyway. Makes it a better experience if I haven't seen anything about it beforehand."

Hayoung glanced at the cover. "Well, it'll be an interesting play through, I'll bet."

Karma smiled. "It better. I've heard great things about this game."

"Of course you have."

"Oh, the rain's letting up. We should get going."

They paid for the game at the counter and went out of the video game store. It was still raining heavily, but considering the savage winds and torrents of rainwater pounding on the concrete earlier, this was an improvement. Unfortunately, neither of them had the foresight to bring an umbrella out, even when the weather report had mentioned multiple times that it would be raining heavily in Tokyo. Karma and Hayoung exchanged resigned looks.

"Guess we'll have to make a run for it."
"You want to play the game now?" Hayoung asked incredulously as she hung up her coat.

Karma was already putting the game in. "If not now, when?"

"At least change. You'll catch cold like this."

One-Shot Collection (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now