Christmas Time- Part 2

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So I decided that any holiday themed one-shot from now on would have two parts instead of one, for no utter reason. Okay, that's about it. Enjoy!
Hayoung eyed the knit sweaters, Santa hat and reindeer antler headband Karma laid out on their coffee table. Well, they don't call them ugly Christmas sweaters for nothing. One was red, and the other green, and both had pictures of reindeer, snowmen, and Christmas trees on them. When Karma had said they were going to go all out for Christmas, Hayoung hadn't expected to have to wear ugly knit sweaters and basically dress up as walking decorations.


"Yeah, seriously. We've gotta get into the spirit, remember?"

"Like this?"

"Yep. Come on, we won't be the odd ones out. Everybody does this too!"

"Yeah... But it's just gonna be us celebrating, right? We're not inviting anybody else..."

Karma shrugged. "No, but we are going to a party later this evening."

"What? By whom?"

"Well, the usual. AKA, our old classmates."

"Which one, exactly? I'm not going if it's Maehara, Nakamura, or Terasaka."

"On the contrary, it's Kanzaki and Sugino throwing the party. Although I definitely wouldn't have went with the 'ugly sweater theme' myself."

"There's a theme for this?"

"Well, yeah." Karma drew out an invitation from his pants pockets. "Says so right over here."

To: Karma Akabane and Haru Sakamaki

Venue: House number 12, Kirumi Neighbourhood, Ota
Time: 1:30pm-4:00pm
Theme: Wear the ugliest Christmas sweater you can find! Don't forget to bring a present!

Merry Christmas!

From: Yukkiko Kanzaki and Tomohito Sugino

"So they're living together now?" Hayoung asked.

"Yeah. Haven't you heard?"

"Well... No. I usually don't pay so much attention to who's living together with whom. So, we're going this afternoon, right?"

"Yep. And now we gotta go find a gift to bring to the party before then. Great."

And so the gift-hunting at the mall commenced. Unfortunately, there was no progress to be made. Karma and Hayoung weren't looking for any type of gift in particular, just something that could hide the fact that they were in a rush to get it. They were on their last legs, and they dearly hoped that something could turn up. There was only about ten more minutes to twelve, and they had to be on their way by one at most. As a last-ditch effort, they entered a Christmas gift shop, looking as if it only existed for Christmas. Neon lights at the outside of the store blinked green and red with messages like 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' and 'SANTA'S COMING TO TOWN'. Inside the store was more Christmas stuff, mostly Santa-centric snow globes and figurines, accompanied by his sleigh pulled by reindeer, or a large sack of gifts, or both. Fairy lights blinked on erected Christmas trees much smaller than the one at home, bedazzled with tinsel and colourful baubles.

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