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So, I'm back to regular one shots. I know, I literally went and skipped a month, but my ideas ran a little dry, so here's some fluff (at least, I think it's fluff) for ya'll! I figured I needed more of that in this one shot book, since we've been lacking a little. Be warned, however, this might just be the teensiest bit suggestive. Just putting it out there. Enjoy.

Like the wine he'd had in his glass.

Hayoung was leaning against the glass pane of their sliding door, the nightlights outside washing out her already pale skin, giving her a ghostly, almost ethereal glow as the reflection of the water danced on it. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, like a waterfall of ink. Her black silk dress dipped right at her chest, exposing more of her svelte figure than she'd normally allow. A slit up to her thigh exposed a shapely leg that seemed to go on for miles, her foot bare. The silk pooled all around their carpeted floor, sheathing her body and making her look like some sort of goddess of the night. Her dark eyes were glazed, unfocused and staring at nothing in particular. Her slightly parted lips were stained with the deepest red he'd ever seen. Like a fine wine. Like what he drank earlier.

In that moment, Karma's mind was too foggy to string together a single coherent thought. Half-lidded, he watched Hayoung from across the living room, also leaning against the glass. It was cool against his skin, sobering him up somewhat. He'd long since discarded most of the three-piece suit he'd been wearing earlier, leaving him in only his white button-down, pants and socks. His hair was damp and kept falling into his eyes, his shirt half untucked and one button away from exposing his chest. His tie, much like the rest of his suit was also gone, a crumpled strip of fabric lying a little ways from the rest of his suit. There was a thrumming in his head that he was sure was going to develop into a hangover come morning.

He wasn't quite sure how they'd ended up here, against the sliding glass door that lead to the pool outside at 3 am in the morning. All he remembered was wine, Hayoung's hand in his as she led him to the car, and his hands caressing her through the silk. Drunken, sloppy kisses here and there. But everything else was a blur. Despite that, he could feel a smile creeping on his lips as he looked her up and down, mesmerised by just how beautiful she looked in that moment. He could spend an eternity taking her in. If he closed his eyes, he could remember running his fingers along her smooth skin, feeling how soft she was. Granted, he was probably being a bit irritating, kissing and her while she tried to get him to sober up. She didn't seem to mind that much, though.

Hayoung felt more lightheaded than she ever did in possibly her entire life. The smell of alcohol on Karma's breath still lingered on the spots where he'd kissed her, but surprisingly she didn't mind as much as she normally would've. Karma, on the other hand, seemed to be sobering up, even at least slightly. His hair was damp from when she'd splashed water in his face earlier in the bathroom, all mussed up and falling into his eyes. Unlike the rowdy, flirty drunk he'd been earlier, he was now more subdued, even lethargic as he leaned against the glass, eyes half-closed as if he was about to fall asleep. His head was tilted up, letting her have a full view of his neck. Her eyes trailed downward, from his messed up collar and undone buttons, how the shirt itself barely disguised his toned, muscular build.

Hayoung felt heat rush to her face and looked down at her leg, which was bruised from when Karma had fondled her earlier, in the bathroom, peppering her with kisses as his hands made their way up and down.

She wanted him to do it again. Maybe.

She'd still made him stop, though. He was drunk off his arse and probably didn't even know what he was doing. As it turned out, Karma's cheeky flirtatiousness was turned up to a whole new level when he got properly drunk. After the drinking games, he'd been glued to her side all night, seemingly never keeping his hands off her. She looked up again, and there he was, looking like the most peaceful thing in the entire world in this moment, his eyes closed and lips formed into a blissful little smile she rarely saw on him.

One-Shot Collection (Karma Akabane x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang