New Year's Eve

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I know, it's a little late to write about NYE, but I've had this one-shot idea in my head for a while. So, uh, happy new year I guess? Yeah, let's just get started with this thing...
Hayoung could barely recognise herself as she stared into the mirror. Her face was more made-up than usual, eyes lined with sharp black eyeliner and shimmery copper on her eyelids. Her cheeks were rouged and highlighted, her lips tinted a deep red she would never wear on a daily basis. Top it all off with the tight dark blue party dress she was wearing with her tallest pair of heels, she couldn't imagine feeling more uncomfortable. She didn't know how in hell she even let Karma convince her time and again to wear these kinds of things. First the dinner party, now this. Except the dress was shorter, tighter and more revealing.

The bathroom door creaked open, and Karma emerged from it, his hair damp and fully dressed in a tailored three-piece suit. Hayoung crossed her arms across her chest, where the neckline plunged quite deeply (another thing that made her even more uncomfortable). From his reflection in the mirror, she could see that he was shamelessly looking her up and down. Karma smirked and stepped closer.

"Well, I definitely know who I'll be kissing tonight."

"Was that ever a uncertainty, Karma?" Hayoung quipped.

Karma slipped a hand around her waist. "No. But I dunno if I can keep my hands to myself tonight. You look really good."

"Honestly, this is a bit much."

"It's NYE, baby. People go all out for that sort of thing."

"Why are even going to a countdown party, anyway? It's just a new year. What would've changed after tonight, really?"

"No clue, but it's an excuse to get deadass drunk and party like there's no tomorrow."

"That's what I'm worried about."

"Oh yeah, and you get to countdown the last ten seconds to the next year too." Karma locked eyes with Hayoung, a mischievous grin on his face. "Also, kissing people at midnight. That's probably the best part about NYE."

"Of course. Why am I not surprised?"

"Okay, enough chit chat. Let's just get into the car. Wouldn't wanna be late for the party, yeah?"

The city was alive with the spirit of New Year's Eve. Tokyo's colours seemed to be more vibrant than ever, and half the digital billboards were broadcasting the countdown party. Huge crowds of people milled about in the city squares and on the streets, wrapped down in coats and scarves to protect against the winter chill. Cars were lined fender to fender on the major roads, resulting in traffic jams that stretched for miles. Unfortunately, Karma and Hayoung were currently stuck in one.

"I guess we are going to be late for the party after all. Or perhaps we'll spend NYE in the car instead." Hayoung said pointedly.

Karma checked the time on his dashboard. "We're still pretty early, all things considered. It's only 10:45."

Hayoung stared at the traffic jam ahead of them. "Only 10:45. I'd hate to see how this looks by midnight. How are we even gonna make it back?"

"Hey, hey, relax! I promise we'll get back home by next year, okay?"

"Ha, ha."

One-Shot Collection (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now