Karma's Company Vacation

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Karma's eyes twitched. Company vacation? Currently, he was sitting at his desk, slumped in his chair while his secretary, Ayana Takemi rambled on an on about the vacation. Had it not been for her high heels, she probably would've been jumping about his office. He wasn't particularly excited for this vacation because, for one, he'd come back from one just last week, and for another, his superiors, the people who organised this goddamned vacation would certainly insist that he went. And naturally, being his secretary, Ayana was bound to follow him around as well. He didn't mind that he was going on yet another high-class vacation again. It was Ayana that was the issue.

When Ayana was first assigned to him two years ago, Karma thought they would get along quite well. He'd quickly risen in rank amongst his colleagues, and was actually having his own his office by the first three months. Ayana had just graduated from university, and was the same age as him. And she'd also immediately become infatuated when she was introduced. At first, he'd thought he'd hit the jackpot. Pretty, cheerful and ready to fetch coffee whenever he asked, it was any guy's dream to have such a girl at their whim. For the better part of two years, he'd revelled in the jealously of the other men on his floor. He'd even considered asking Ayana out. Until he met Hayoung. Something from the past had sparked up, and they started spending more time together. Then they started dating.

Rather than accept the fact that the relationship between herself and Karma was purely professional, Ayana had reacted in a fit of jealously, and had since marked Hayoung as an arch-nemesis. Now, when she wasn't trying to suck up to Karma, she was talking trash about her to the other women on his floor, some of which were part of the unofficial fan club dedicated to him. They didn't have a crush on him, sure, but they did support Ayana's hopeless pursuits of him, and trash talk Hayoung with her as well. As far as they were concerned, she was just someone who didn't even give a crap about his wellbeing, and ignored him 24/7. 'Cold bitch' had officially become her nickname at his workplace. He doubted that even Hayoung could keep from blowing her top when she heard all the nasty gossip.

"We could do so much together! I heard the beaches in the Mediterranean are wonderful! Should I bring my swimsuit, though?"

Ayana was still rambling, and it was starting to get on his nerves. He wished he'd rejected the offer of a vacation right from the start so he didn't have to deal with her. But it was already too late. The flight was scheduled for the week after, and there was nothing he could about that. Right now, he wanted to rant about his situation to someone, and currently, Hayoung seemed like a pretty great option. He just hoped he wasn't disturbing her.

"Hey, Ayana? Mind leaving the room for a while? I need to take a call."

Ayana's mood immediately soured. "Oh. Right."

As he watched Ayana exit his office, he wondered if he was actually that much of a master at hiding his true thoughts and intentions. Both Hayoung and Ayana seemed to be able to read his mind. Sighing, he dialled Hayoung's number. This situation was far too unfortunate to simply communicate through text. As usual, she picked up after the second ring.

"Karma? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Yes. But--" He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Let's just say something really unfortunate happened."

"What? Don't beat around the bush. How many times do I have to tell you this?"

It's not like you'd need to. You know anything I'm thinking, anyway.

"Yes. I do. Company trip, is it? And your secretary's coming along?"

Karma thought he heard a strain in her voice when she said 'your secretary'. Ayana, apparently, was so insufferable that even Hayoung didn't like mentioning her by name. Ayana's attitude, suffice to say, had gotten worse over the three days they went on their cruise. She'd become more clingy, and he'd noticed her trying to eavesdrop on his calls with Hayoung. Every time he caught her, though, she'd go back to her own work, and when questioned about the eavesdropping, she'd blatantly deny everything. Not to mention she was also layering on her 'girlfriend' act thick. Everyday at work was hell with her around, and he dreaded hearing her chirpy, girlish voice calling out his name every morning.

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