Chapter 16

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Waterfall. It's the only word I could explain as to how much I'm crying. I don't know why but they just keeping falling. Almost endlessly. I feel overwhelmed with too much emotions all at once. Sad, angry, hurt, and most of all, disappointment. I can't recall the reason as to why I'm bawling at this moment.

But it feels as if I'm lonely. Or more like abandoned. Yeah...that's the word. My pillow I'm lying on seems drenched with my fallen tears. But I don't seem to care. I still burry my face deep into the soaking wet pillow, making my face dampen as well.

And the only thing that's running through my head is, why? Why am I being treated like this? What did I do to deserve this?

As I open my eyes, the bright light that shines through the cracks of my curtains makes my eyes clench back together. That was such a weird dream. What was the meaning of it anyway? It was so depressing. And the weird thing is, is that it felt real. Like I was actually experiencing those emotions in real life.

But, why? What does that particular dream supposed to mean? I push those thoughts and the dream to the side because it was probably just one of those dreams that randomly happen. I turn over onto my side and then turn my phone on. The time shows... 7:25am? I over slept! I'm going to be late for school!

I spring out of bed heading straight to my bathroom to quickly brush my hair, my teeth, and apply a light coat of mascara. When I'm done, I sprint to my closet and quickly throw on the first things that my eyes land on. I don't really care about my outfit right now. I look in the mirror to make sure I at least look presentable. I have on a black crop top that has a red rose design, with jean shorts. I pull out my hair and just my messy curls flow free. I shrug my shoulders. Good enough.

After grabbing my phone, bag, black converse, and an apple, I kiss my mom and dad bye and head straight toward school. When I arrive, everyone was already waiting for me by our usual meet spot in the morning.

"Well look who it is! Sleeping beauty finally awoke!" Jayce says jokingly. Willa shoots him a glare that immediately shuts him up. I stifle a laugh and shake my head. Violet and James seem to be engaged in a conversation and with Katie. My heart sinks a little at the sight but I make sure not to show it.

Since I got there so late, the warning bell rings signaling that we have seven minutes to get to class. I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I turn around, I see the familiar face that belongs to Ky from my chemistry class. We were assigned lab partners the day I came here but we've never actually talked about anything else but school.

"Hey Elise!" He greets.

"Hey Ky" I say back. We fall into the same step on the way to chemistry. I have to admit that I'm surprised he even said anything to me first. With the little time that I've been here I've noticed quite a lot about him. But also not at the same time. He's a boy of few words and usually keeps to himself. I rarely see expression shown on his face because it's rare to see him express any genuine emotions as to how he's feeling or what he's thinking. So, it's kind of hard to read him.

But it's also kind of hard to believe this, considering that he's on the football team. His muscular, broad figure makes him strikingly handsome but intimidating at the same time. I'm not scared however. There's something about about him that makes me want to get to know him. But even though Daniel isn't on the football team, Ky is no where compared to Daniel.

"Are you ready for the chem final tomorrow?" He questions.

"Mm...not really," I answer truthfully. "Are you?"

He ponders on it for a while before answering. "I think I'm prepared as much as I could be" he says with an expressionless face.

I'm quickly taken aback by his answer. I didn't expect it to be so...mature, especially coming from him. I turn my head to look at his face, wondering what goes on in there. There must be so much untold secrets hidden deep within him. But only God knows what.

I turn my face back around to the front. And in front of me, Daniel and Katie are there, with their hands clasped within each other's. A flash back to last night at the picnic comes to mind. I remember the way my hand and his hand were together and the way it seemed to fit just right. But it could just be me, he could have thought differently. I feel my heart sink a little at the thought and the scene playing in front of my eyes.

"It's ok Elise. There's other fish in the sea" Ky unexpectedly says.

I look toward him with my eyebrows furrowed. His face is still faced to the front and doesn't turn to look at my bewildered expression. Does he know? How does he know? He half smirks, half smiles.

But doesn't say anything.


Throughout the whole school day, especially during lunch, my head was everywhere but at school. I had hard time concentrating because my mind would be drifting off to other places. Or more like people. And by the time I would come back to reality, my teacher would be on the next section of the chapter, or I would completely miss the important part of a lecture.

Most of the thoughts consisted of Daniel and the unknown feelings I get when I'm around him but I couldn't stop thinking about what Ky said this morning. He left me pondering and I couldn't make sense of it. Did he sense the disappointment within me? Could he see it on my face while I was looking at Daniel? I was going to ask him when we got to chemistry, but I couldn't bring myself to it. I didn't even know how word the question so that it wouldn't have came out weird sounding.

I really want to know what he meant when he said "it's ok Elise, there's other fish in the sea". I mean I get the general idea of it. But what does he mean when he says that? What was going through his mind at that moment? It's almost he knows that I-

"ELISE?!" Katie yells bringing me back to reality. "Can you please focus? We need to make sure all of our numbers are in tip top shape for our show tomorrow night" she adds frustratingly.

"Y-yeah! Sorry" I apologize. I have to get my head straight. Katie was right about the show being great. I was told the struggles the dance department is currently going through. I take a deep breath and prepare for all my numbers.

We are currently in the auditorium of the school since it was dress rehearsal. Everyone participating in the show are running everywhere in all directions. I rush back stage and into the dressing rooms to get my costumes ready to be changed into for each of my numbers. I quickly change to my costume, making sure I remember to take off the bracelet with Daniel's name on it, for my first number and then I quickly make my way back stage, dodging people that are also in a rush to get to my spot on stage. 

And the last thing that appears into my mind before the music starts, is Daniel looking at the stars from the previous night at the picnic.

And the last thing that appears into my mind before the music starts, is Daniel looking at the stars from the previous night at the picnic

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