I'm Coming

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Diamond's POV

I watched my brother run to the stables. What was he doing?(A/N: I just got autocorrected 'horse dung.') My brother wouldn't take off without telling me! I guessed that this situation is serious. He couldn't do it alone.

I walked to the stables.

"Where did Ant go?"I asked the stable master.

"He's going to the Minthia region. Someone's in trouble, or so he says."

"Give me a horse. He can't do it alone."

"But ma'am! You seem so young!"

"I'll go with her."said two voices in synchronization.

The voices were Dan and Toby.

"'Kay boys!"I laughed."But you're the ones that have two drive the cart. I'm the roamer."


Ant's POV

I swatted a fly. I shouldn't have taken my cloak. Yeah, I would bee it when the time came, but it was Summer! I wiped a bead of sweat of my face. Disgusting.

I realized that I didn't tell me sister. She was probably coming after me right now. I couldn't turn around though. Sparklez was in deep trouble, and he couldn't die alone.

"Sparklez!"I cried into the dense forest."Are you there?!"

I could heard nothing. The sun was setting, and I was without any protection. I knew that was the time that creativers had to be very careful. Our life depended on it.

Suddenly, I saw a sign up ahead. It was torn, beaten, and bloody. My horse trotted up to it. It seemed to read it, because it jumped back and wanted to knock it over.

I got of and read it.

"Stay back Ant, your friend is fine with us."

I jumped back. I knew these people. Or things, to be more accurate. And they were keeping me friend away from me. But they couldn't do anything to me. Not when I was so close.

I road on. I told my horse to go into a fast trot. I needed to get there before they did. If I could, I'd be a hero to all the creativers. But the only one alive was my sister.

Suddenly, I saw a wave of dark block out the moons rays of light. No animal would do this on accident. I knew their next stop. Me.

The wave of dark zoomed down at the speed of sound. I could here the flapping, they made a small rhythm.

"To calm their prey..."I thought.

I pulled out my sword. It wouldn't be enough though. There were to many.

Suddenly, a flash of blue lightning flashed into the group. They all electrocuted. I knew I was safe, so I went into a gallop. Nothing could stop me now.

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