Solution to it All

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Chimney's POV

I settled down next to Toby on one of the beds at the end of the tent. He didn't even look up at me. He was carving a stick. Every once in a while, a spark would ignite. Toby would quickly blow it out.

"You should've taken that extra hour."he said."It would've helped us. We could've sent a spy into their base."

"And when were you so interested in this?"I asked.

"Ever since I found a solution to this problem."Toby said. He took a lighter to the stick. Quickly, the stick caught fire."The Safety Torch."

I began laughing."Are you kidding me? That's never going to work!"

"Allow me to demonstrate."Toby smiled. He opened the tent flap. A bat came flying at him. Toby tossed the torch at the animal. It came intact with it and fell to the ground.

"Okay."I said."Now I get it."

"Ever since I came up with this whole 'Darkness is the opposite of light' conspiracy, I've studied more and more on fire."he explained."I came up with this whole idea when I was little. In the orphanage."he sighed."I'll sharpen a few more. Go get 'em."

"Thanks."I unsheathed my sword and ran out into the battlefield.

I picked up the torch which was still burning on the ground. I twisted it around in my fingers. Is this what we need,I thought.Will we win with this?

I quickly fought off a bat from my face and brought the torch to its wing. It exploded in front of my eyes. I wiped a bit of blood off my face thinking, That guy does have a few great ideas,and I took off running deeper into the battlefield.


Here! You wanted it, you got it.

Bye my Shinies!

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