The Thumps

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Chimney's POV (during both Memories)

With Diamond, Toby, and Dan gone, it was just Pause, Etho, and I. I was so bored. There was nothing much to do. Too dangerous to go outside. I really couldn't do anything without the whole group.

I groaned and leaned back in bed. I should read a book or something, I thought. I walked over to the bookshelf and took out a random book.

Suddenly, I heard pistons working and buttons being clicked. I peered through the hole. There was a small room behind my shelf!

I sprinted to Pause and Etho's room. I tapped quickly on the door and said,"Something awesome!"

Pause opened the door, almost hitting me in the face."Where?!"

The three of us ran into my room. We pushed a side of the bookshelf. It creaked and swayed. I shouldn't take anything from this anymore.

We wandered in. The room was made completely out of stone. There were pistons lying around on the ground, connected with redstone to one lever.

"Peculiar..."Etho circled the lever."I have never seen this before."

"It could be dangerous,"I pointed out."Let's not pull it, if anyone was thinking that."

"Nah,"Pause smiled, flicking it."Nothing in the castle is dangerous!"

"Don't!"Etho and I screamed, though it was too late.

The light flickered out. I heard thumps from all around me. They came one by one, like drums being beat by a marching band.(A/N:So grammatically incorrect.)

"Guys?!"I called out.

"Sheesh Chim!"Pause laughed."I'm right here!"

"What did you do?"Etho cried.

"I dunno."Pause shrugged."It's Chim's fault. He gave me the idea."

"You're 16!"I exclaimed.

"Shhh."Etho said, holding a finger to my lips."Listen."

The thumps continued.

We slowly crept out. We shoved the bookcase back in its spot. We walked out of my room.

I turned to the guard to explain the problem, but he wasn't there. I looked around. Down the hall? Nope. Up on the ceiling? (A/N:What? I have a weird mind.) Nope. On the floor? Yes.

He was sleeping, but he wouldn't breathe or move. His heartbeat was still going. I looked back to the end of the hall. It was like this with all of them.

I opened the nearest guards eyes. The whites were gone. The whole eye was black, with a tiny bit of red swirling around. It was almost like my father.

Etho and Pause nodded.

"Claw!"I screamed.

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