Surprise Attack

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Diamond's POV

I held Ant's hand as we flew over the South Field. Chimney had ordered us to look over the land. He was a bit stern with it, but after all, would you be if you found out that someone was coming for you? I sighed and let go. I dove down toward the earth. I hovered a few inches off the ground. I could feel Sky and Ant's eyes on me.

As I leaned in closer, the earth seemed to be moving. It moved up and down, sort of like...breathing.

"Diamond! Run!"Ant screamed, taking off into the sky.

I watched as a black figure jumped on me. My amulet drained. I could feel the life dying inside of me. I was being pulled into the ground by the figure. Its fangs bit deep into my skin.

I felt my brothers' hands grab me from behind. I used my last bit if energy to kick the figure. It fell to the ground. Immediately, half the field flew up in perfect synchronization. I watched as hundreds of bats began flying straight for us. This was the end.

I heard my brothers unsheathe their swords. I quickly conjured my favorite childhood weapon. A boomerang. Though it seems like just a play toy, if you throw it with enough force, it can chop peoples' head of. I hope that it would work.

"There's too many!"Sky screamed."Fly up in 3...2...1!"

My hand was grabbed by Ant and we began flying up. I quickly let go and used all my force to shoot up.

"We need to get to the sunlight!"Sky yelled back to us."Just follow me!"

I looked down. Bats were flying at us. I could tell they had some kind of attack routine. I sent my boomerang down. Quickly, it came back to me with a bat trapped between its arms. I screamed and dropped it. It was Claw.

"C'mon!"Ant screamed, pulling me over the fence. I felt the sunlight stream over my face. We were safe.

I hugged my brothers. I closed my eyes. The world went black.


OMG!!! YES!!!!! I really need to make a movie of this. YES!!!!!!!

Bye my Shinies!

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