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Diamond's POV

"Look!"I exclaimed."It's Quake!"

"Come on!"Ant grabbed my hand and pulled me down to earth(literally).

Suddenly, I saw Quake leap onto Chimney. She stuck a dagger through his stomach, but Chimney kissed her. It was so romantic. What was I thinking! Chimney just got a dagger put in his stomach.

I zoomed down to his side. Quake pushed me aside and jumped on me. I reached up and hugged her. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion of rainbows. I was blasted into the sky. I felt an arm around my stomach. I whirled around and hugged Sky.

"Are you okay?"he asked."That was a huge explosion."

I coughed."Sort of. But Chimney and Quake were in there! We need to go!"

"You don't need to say that twice!"Sky laughed.

We flew down. I squinted through the dust. I saw a silhouette run through the cloud. They frantically looked around. I raced towards the person. She grabbed my hands. She bent down to my height.

"Where is my son?!"she asked.

I ignored her and raced over to Quake. I realized that the explosion had changed her. Quake's clothes had changed. Her shirt was now white with a small cupcake on it. She had pink shorts and her socks were rainbow.

She looked up."Where am I?"

My eyes widened."Quake!"I exclaimed. I raced over and helped her up off the ground.

She hugged me."Is it really you Diamond?"

"Can my brother's friend sing a bad song?"I laughed.

"Huh?"she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Uh, never mind."I laughed."Let's go. Before anyone sees you."

Ant raced over to me."So this is Quake."he smiled."I'm Ant, one of Diamond's brothers."he turned to me."And if you were wondering, Sky is back at the tent healing Chimney."

Quake and I hugged again."I missed you."I whispered.

"I forgot all about you,"Quake said." but thank Notch we're back together."

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