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Diamond's POV

I cried basically for about another hour. Claw was dead, and there was nothing I could do about it. Even though we were meant to hate eachother, I still had feelings for the small thing.

Dan walked in. He had a sad face and he reached for my hand to pull me up off the floor.

"Hey,"he said."I know you're really sad, and I came to comfort you. I feel the same way."

"Thanks,"I sniffled."I just can't get over how much fun we could've had together. You know, I fly, he flies."

"Come here."he hugged me. I buried my face in his navy shirt."You're very sensitive when something happens."

"I know..."I sighed.

"And I like that about you."he looked deep into my blue eyes."I love you."

"I love you too."I replied.

He leaned in. I knew exactly what he was trying to do. I leaned in. Our lips touched. We held for a good 8 seconds. I laughed. He hugged me. We kissed again. I love him.


The next day was pretty awkward. We kept looking at eachother during breakfast. When we went back to our rooms, I had an urge to hold his hand. During lunch, he tried to sneak a flower under the table to me.

"Cut it out!"I said."You'll blow our cover!"

We were at the docks taking an evening stroll through the village. We got an occasional wave. A few people asked if Chim was okay. I would tell them that he's getting better, though I hadn't seen him since yesterday night.

"I'm not trying to!"Dan replied."I just have an urge."

"Something we have in common."I laughed."You know, we have to tell them someday."

"Yeah, at our wedding."he joked. He looked out to the wall."Toby's going to kill me if we told him."

"He likes me?!"I exclaimed, a little too loudly. People stared at me. I blushed and waved.

Dan elbowed me."Keep it down."he whispered.

I sighed."Whatever."


Sorry for the short chapter! And thank you divergent397 for the idea. Bye my Shinies!

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