The Last Sign

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Chimney's POV

I wake up with a bunch of people at my side. I'm in a lot of pain. I have a headache, I feel sick, and I'm dizzy. I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder. I look up to pink curls in my face.

Gal,I thought.She came.

"Oh, Chimney."she said, almost crying."I'm so sorry."

"I killed him, didn't I?"I said, sitting up in the hospital bed.

She hugged me."You never meant it."

"My senses kick in. He said something about Quake and..."I started to cry."I never knew I was capable of murder."

"C'mon. Your friends are waiting. In the throne room, to be exact."Gal said.


Pause sighed and ran up to me as I entered the room. We hugged.

"What happened?"I asked.

"Don't wanna talk about it."Toby laughed."It includes a bloody Pause and Etho, a crying creativer-"

"Oh you be quiet!"Diamond snapped.

"And a tiresome brother. Tired of all the drama."Toby finished."Yeah, wasn't fun."

There was a clang at the door. Suddenly, a servant came crashing in, a letter in her hand. She looked frightened, and her face was pale.

"Oh Prince Chimney."she trembled with each word."The carrier pigeon gave this to me. It says from Cupquake."

I snatched the envelope from her hands. I ripped it open and read.

Dear Chimney,

We are coming for you.



I looked at the servant. She looked at me."Put this away in my desk. Get the guards ready. I'll tell many others to be well equipped. Something is about to go down."


OMG!!!! YES!!!!! I have fully unleashed myself to end this book once and for all! Get ready for the best book ending you will EVAR have! 😋

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