The Memory

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Diamond's POV

Up ahead, I saw a flash of black zoom past the moon. It couldn't be. They wouldn't come now. I thought they were gone. I thought we had escaped. I thought the human race was safe. We had protected them for so long. Now here I was, scared that I might fail life.

The wave started zooming for the ground. They were after my brother. I couldn't do anything but scream. The wave was almost at him.

"Taylor!"I screamed, as I shot a burst of blue lightning towards the attackers. They fell instantly.

"Woah!"Toby and Dan screamed, jumping back.

I looked down at my hands."I didn't know I could do that!"

"Be careful with those!"Dan crawled away from me.

"I didn't mean to, it just happened!"I exclaimed.

My brother galloped on down the road. I needed to follow him. He wasn't safe.

I sent my horse into a gallop after him.


30 minutes later...

Ant's POV

I saw light come from a cabin. I knew it was Sparklez from the start. A wave of relaxation came over me. I hoped he was fine. Of course he was! What was I thinking. He's the one and only.

I remember when I was only 70, we had made a deal that if we could use eachother's thing without asking, we'd share the cookies that we had. I hoped that he still remembered as I secured my horse in his stables.

I walked over to the door. I was so confident. I was ready to give him the best 'hello, I haven't seen you in forever' welcome, but I wasn't ready. My mind raced.

I knocked on the door. A silhouette moved towards the door. I put an awkward smile on my face. I looked pathetic.

A familiar face greeted me."Ant? Is it really you?"

"Can my friend sing a bad song?"I asked, laughing.

"It is you!"he cried, giving me a hug.

Not like it was bromance or anything. We were best friends. I'd been kidnapped twice. He had to oh through all of it. It was a pretty emotional greeting, if you tell me.

"Come on in!"Sparklez choked, almost ready to cry.

"Dude!"I laughed."We're 18. Or at least you are."

"Yeah, with all that freaky creativer stuff."

Sparklez was the only other person I had told about my powers than the gang. He was worthy of it. He had my mind too.

He took off his jacket to reveal scars and bruises everywhere. On his arms, on his neck, on his hands.

"What happened?"I shrieked.

"There was a huge fight between me and some guy. He was doing it to get his mind off of something. Like a girl."he said, putting a bandage over a scar.

"What did he look like?"

"Black hair, black clothes, red eyes. It was pretty creepy, and he was pretty powerful. He was killing for fun. Then, he just left."

"Did he say the girl's name?"I frantically asked.

"I'm not sure. Pupquake, Lopquake, something like that."

My eyes grew huge."Cupquake."that's when I had a memory.


I sat down next to this young woman. My father looked at me apologetically. Short bursts of purple flooded from his fingers. This woman was giving birth, and Father couldn't save her. I knew if the mother didn't live, the baby wouldn't.

The mother was suddenly engulfed in a black smoke. It went through her eyes, ears, and nose. Then, it stopped.

The mother motioned me forward. She opened her eyes. The whole eye was black, including the whites."Watch her, and don't give her to the orphanage."

With that, the mother was dead.

The squalling of a baby came. It was alive. Father looked at me. The baby was safe. His dark brown eyes gave me the look. I took the baby from the nurse.

"Well?"Father asked.

"Cupquake."I nodded.


"Ant!"I was shaken around.

"Huh?"I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"You sort of just went into a daze. It scared me."Sparklez sighed.

"Let me heal you. We gave something ahead of us. Plus, you can't go with me back to the kingdom looking like this."I smiled.

He held out his hand.(A/N: Artemis Fowl time!) I sent a steak of red magic down his arm.

"Heal."I whispered.

The magic targeted every bruise, scar, and scratch that it could. His skin returned to its original form. He looked happier and his normal self.

"Thanks."he smiled. Sparklez shook his body."I think we should get some rest."

I smirked."Good idea."

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