Two Boyfriends and a Mom

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Chimney's POV

"BOYFRIEND!"Toby shrieked.

"Ex-boyfriend..."Quake laughed.

We all let out a loud sigh.

"For Notch's sake. You scared me to death."I smiled.

"Eh, I'm-well-never mind. Just forget about it."Quake laughed.

We were quiet for a moment.

"So, your ex-boyfriend, Drake, has magical powers?"I asked.

"He's the one that runs the evil side. Drake has power over darkness. He's changed many humans to his side and such. If you've seen a muscular man in black, that's Brin. He's my-he was one of my best friends."Quake sighed."I just want to see the real him."

"And I bet you need to know the truth,"Dan said suddenly.

"Oh, Dan,"Diamond burst."Not now. Not at this time."

He exchanged glances with her. Diamond's eyes were pleading. Whatever was happening was something between him and her. But Dan shot her a mean look. Diamond dive into Toby's side, hiding her face. Toby wrapped his hand around her.

"We're dating."Dan said."Diamond and I. Two peas in a pod."

Diamond ran out of the tent, crying. I saw her silhouette dive into the midst of battle.

Oh please, I thought.Don't let her foolishly die.

Toby ran out after her with a torch in his hand. He looked determined to save her. He shot me a glance as her disappeared out the door.

"Bye."I whispered.

A woman burst into the room. She was covered in dust and blood. Her clothes were torn. She had scars everywhere.

"Chimney!"she exclaimed, hugging me."I missed you son!"

It was my mom. I couldn't believe it. From that time I was seven, I thought she was dead. But seeing her brought tears to my eyes. No. I actually didn't cry. Why would you think that?

"I thought you said your mom was-"Pause started to say.

"Never mind him."Etho whispered to my mom."He's a little coo-coo in the brain."

"I am not!"Pause yelled.

"Now come on!"I said."We've got a boyfriend to beat!"

Quake facepalmed.

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