Assassin Quake

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Ok. Sorry for this little A/N moment. Tell me if I spelled assassin wrong. Bye!


Ant's POV

I sat up in bed. I heard a scream come from outside. The war was on. The war was on!

"What the heck are you doing?!"I exclaimed. I raced down to my sister's bunk."Oh, Diamond! Get up!"

She lifted her head."Why'd you have to-right. Let's get out there."

I threw a sword at my sister. She caught it midair. I took my sword from the shelf and opened the door. Diamond flew out. She struggled opening the window that was mirroring our bedroom door.

"What are you doing?"I laughed."Are you insane?"

"No."she smiled, opening the window."I'm just clever."and she jumped out the window.

I followed close behind. Diamond was floating out there.

"Come on!"she yelled.

We zoomed over to South Field. The view was terrifying. People were dying, blood was everywhere, and the sound of screams filled the air.

"Be careful."I said, and I flew down into the middle of the Field.


Chimney's POV

I had been running for a while. I had gotten news that a few spies had gotten into the bats' base, wherever it was. Turns out that there are spawners in the base. News gets around quickly now.

Suddenly, I saw bright purple hair a few yards away from me. The stranger turned and made eye contact with me. I gasped. It was Cupquake.

She narrowed her eyes down on me. She took off sprinting towards me. She unsheathed a dagger from her belt. Quake had black jeans and a purple shirt. Her black combat boots were dirty with blood. Was this really Quake?

She leaped in me. I lifted my head and kissed her on the lips. But she had other plans. Cupquake stuck the dagger into my stomach. And then I was dead.

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