Help him.

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Joeys POV
I turned the corner onto a dark street and heard-
Oy Joe.
Who was that?
Your best friend? Your brother or your boyfriend? GAY!
I knew it was joe. I ran over to see Joe in a ball in the back of the alley by the wall. He was shirtless and covered in blood, bruises and cuts. I knew he was in so much pain he couldn't move, speak, talk or hardly breathe so I ran over and asked if he was ok. Then when I was asking if he needed help up I was grabbed and slammed against a wall by my neck. I saw joe turn his head a bit but I knew it hurt him to much so I looked in front of me. THE DIRECTOR AND A FRIEND! All of a sudden he slapped me and kissed me hard. I tried to push away but his friend tied my hands together and behind my back and taped around my chest. It was pointless. I couldn't stop him. He squeezed my bum and tried to get his tongue in my mouth but I wouldn't let him. He tried over and over but no use. He threw me to the floor. I needed to help joe fast or he'd never survive. But just as I tried the director threw me on a chair and tied me to it. All of a sudden I heard familiar voices. I screamed for help for joe and I and sure enough the voices got louder. All of a sudden pain wrenched through my body as the men beat me up like they'd done to his unroll I couldn't see. I couldn't move. It wasn't as bad or painful as as Joe's so all I cared about was getting him help. I screamed again and just as I saw a group of people come around the corner I fainted.

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