Do you really know me?

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Do you really know me?
Do you know the person I can be?
That I want to be?
Can you tell me my biggest aspirations?
Can you confidently call my bluff?
Is it easy for you to see when I've had enough?
Am I weak?
Am I tough?
Do you know all my favorite stuff?
Allow me to ask you again, dear friend.
Or do you know a mere fraction of me?
Look at me now!
Can you see?
Speak now!
What do you know about me?
Tell me that I reach for the stars.
Tell me that's what I do.
You'll be wrong, because I'm only reaching for you.
Do you think I'm deep in thought?
I hope not.
The answer you'll get is not the one for which you sought.
It's my mildest contemplations that produce my biggest deception; a misconception of your visual perception.
I want to think that you know me dear friend.
A reflective surface brings us the truth, if you could see what I do, you'd be broken into two.
You'd be hurt to the core.
The eyes you see would change your view ever more.
You'd see the hate, you'd see the pain, you'd see that I'm insane.
Dear friend, do you really know me?
Do you know what's on my mind?
Why it's on my mind?
When it's on my mind?
Look into my eyes!
What do you see?
Can you see all the scars on me?
Let me ask you this: Do I feel pain when I think of you?
Do I get hurt by "INNOCENT PLAYFUL" things you say?
Do I approve of the things you do?
Is our slate clean you ask?
Yes, of course it is.
That's not the topic, though... I want to know about me.
What do you know about me?
Sit down, dear friend; let's have a chat.
You know where I live.
I keep the extra key under the mat.
Come on in.
Stay a while, let's talk.
Maybe after that we'll take a walk.
We'll get some drinks.
But I want to talk about me.
I want to know if you really know me.
Then we can talk about you too.
Then you can ask me...
Hey, do you really know me?

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