Poetry from a person and encouragement (Part 175)

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Guess who my victim is




AngelRose180 is my victim

Bro you're ending your poetry book and that's not cool 😩
I get it you but you said when you come back you're creating a new book for poetry
Black roses is the shit man come on
Plus you're gonna make me wait a long time and I don't think I can do that
I love you though but come on man!!!

Here's proof black roses is the shit

Mirror mirror on the wall do you see anything at all?
Do you see my pain do you see my sorrows
Do you see how I try to live for tomorrow?
Mirror mirror on thee wall do you really see anything at all?
Do you see there laughs do you see their smiles?
Do you see how they attack when I'm already down?
Mirror mirror on the wall do you really care for me at all!
You saw how I was down!
You saw the future yet you did nothing to warn me!
You saw how I looked up to you for the truth!
You were my friend and yet you had let me fall!
Mirror mirror on the wall, I hope you're happy since I'm not here at all

End proof
Basically this is the shittiest poem in her book. This isn't even shitty this is bomb as fuck. This poem is the shit.

So when you get back to writing poems please continue black roses because it's the shit.

Those are my words of encouragement for you AngelRose180

For everyone else my words of encouragement are don't change who you are so others will like you be yourself and the right people will love the real you
Another thing you all are the shit in your own way.

Peace out ✌️

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