Poetry from other people (Part 50)

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So this is the 50th part of the Poetry book and as I've said before I will be doing shout outs and stuff every 25th part. So let's get the shout outs going.

First we have "Poems Exposed" by EdwinJohnA here's one of my favorite.

"You, you had killed
My jute and kin
Atleast once."

I was resting, yes,
A bit long it was.
I was on a wait
For the time right;
For that time to wake.
But they did take
Me, to a coffin of wood.
The misunderstood
Mine an eternal sleep.

They bathed me,
Wore me new robes
I hoped, but to vain
"Time to wake isn't afar."
Nice a lay it was
In the coffin's cushions;
The coffin I mistook
A royal bed of luxury.
Crowned I was
With flowers and fragrances.
But I used a courage
To stay asleep.
I sued in me the strength
To wait for that a time right.
Candles of warmth
We're lit around.
And nine crept wept
None smiled in joy.

But happy I was,
Cozy I felt,
For I didn't smell
The bloom of burial.

But then it quilted:
Pitch black murkiness.
I didn't know why,
But now I know
They thought me dead.
I feared.
I screamed.
The didn't hear.
I knocked on the top,
But the deaf were deaf.
Something in me
Wanted to cry out loud;
But not me.

I felt a change
In Pascal's pressure.
And then I knew
The weight of mud.
And then I knew
And then I knew
The strong and sharp;
The end of me,

I opened my eyes
In the heavens.
So many like me, I saw;
So many the mankind
Have abolished
And ignored.
And I knew, my name
Was no different
Than theirs.
You, you had killed
My kith and kin
Atleast once.
And you know me.
I am a dream;
Now a man's dead dream.

Go check the book out by EdwinJohnA and if you liked this one there will be plenty more you would enjoy from the book.


Next we have "11:01 pm" by xx_Fools here is one of my favorites from that.

Superman isn't real
It isn't you, I'm sorry
Now let go.

Let your tears fall from your mouth;
I will listen to your tragic symphony
Let your tears paint your face;
I will hold your hand through it all.

Your pillow is the only one that knows you're hurting
But please, darling, let it go
You are not broken
You are not wrong
You are not worthless
You are strong.

You didn't meet to tell the world your secrets,
But you don't need to keep them so silent.

You are loved
You are not alone
You deserve so much happiness

And you are not superman
So stop acting like you are.

Again the poem up above is by xx_Fools in "11:01 PM". Go check it out because their are many more great poems from there.


Then we have "10,000 words I wish I could say" by @Bookwormsarebetter
Here are one of my favs.

There is no sound.
But the silence is deafening,
Because I'm left to my thoughts,
All I can hear
Left alone to my devices,
I scream
And scream
And scream.
Some days I know what I'm screaming about,
Most days I've forgotten from screaming so loud.

Go check the book out if you liked that poem.


Now we have "Voices Of Poetry" by daisyashra all of her poems are my favorite so please go check her out.


Last but not least we have "Kalbimin Sesi" by zerrinaa
Go check her out because I really love the poems she writes.


Thx for reading. Don't forget to vote and check out my other shout out chapter and my poems in this book.
Peace out ✌️

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