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Insanity is the best part of being alive
You laugh like a maniac
You smile like a murderer
You think in the most abstract ways
Ways that most people can't comprehend
But the main question of this debate lies in the mind:
Do they want to?
Are they too afraid to peel back the folds
To look underneath the surface
Are they willing to become mechanics?
Mechanics of the mind and engineers
That figure out what makes this clock tick?
Change is scary
The unknown is horrifying
But the incomprehensible
That is the pinnacle fear
It shows the limit of the human brain
The breaking point of a persons mind
And maybe that's why it's so much fun
To be insane I mean
Because there will come a day
Where someone peels back your folds
They want to know your insanity
They do know your insanity
Share it with you, study you
Take notes in the things you like
Avoid the things that you don't
Love isn't simply about butterflies
It isn't simply about the feelings in your heart
Love is about finding someone whose demons
(And yes they will have their own)
Can get along and dance with yours
Insanity may scare and push others away
But not them
They stay, they fight, they accept, they believe
But most of all
They become the best part of being alive
Because they don't make you feel insane
They make you feel, well,
In every fucked up way
In every scary incomprehensible way
So don't be discouraged when others run
Or give you that weird look and scold you
Your insanity is your own
Until love makes it

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