Well uh... good to see you too?

37 3 22

I realized I had deleted a part out of this big poetry book so I had this chapter to fill in.

All of the poems in this book are really really irreplaceable to me and have a special place in my heart and hopefully others too. (Yes, I have a heart. Shocker I know)

I'm not really the best at poetry but I do try to make each piece as great and if not even better than the last.

With that being said, I want one last great piece written in this book. And I need a topic from y'all. I think this book would mean more if the readers had a final say in what the last thing I put in this book was.

And if no one has a topic or an idea they are willing to give me, then I'll just either leave it off at 199 parts or I'll just write something shitty ☺️ my specialty.

After I've been given a topic I'll try to write a poem and of course this chapter will be deleted so I can post it and hopefully it'll be good enough for this book.

Thank you all for supporting this book

Peace out ✌️

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