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Aimee's POV
Riker just walked out of my room. "Bye!" I smiled. "Bye!" He smiled back. I actually didn't want him to leave but he had to. He left and Connor walked up to me.

"Um Aimee. I don't think you're supposed to hang with the Lynch's anymore!" He says, not minding his own business.

"His family doesn't want us to but mom is letting us. Please don't tell anyone though" I begged.

Of course he said he wouldn't. He's the best big brother ever even if he's adopted. I hugged him smiling. "GUYS! CAN YOU COME DOWN FOR A SEC?!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

We ran downstairs and mom was in the kitchen. "Is it only you two? Is anyone over?" She asked. She had like a nervous tone which made me nervous. What if we have to move again? I don't wanna move.

"Uh yea. Is everything okay?" Connor spoke up because I was too nervous that I couldn't speak.

"Everything is just fine" she smiled. "I'm just nervous how you guys are going to react" she added.

Connor grabbed my hand and we looked at mom waiting for her to go on. "Well, I met this really awesome cute guy at work and we've been hanging out a lot there and he asked me out. I wasn't sure what to say so I told him I'll think about it so that I could ask you two first! Because I know with you remembering everything Aimee about your birth father that you might be a little scared so I wanted to run it by you mainly! Even Connor" she says.

I smiled and hugged her. "SAY YES!" I yelled. Of course I'd say yes. I mean, all I wanted was for my mom to be happy. She's been working her butt off as a single parent and she hasn't dated for years since my birth father so she should say yes.

"Really?" She smiled, happily. "Of course" I say.

"Connor?" She asked. We both look at Connor waiting for answer. He sighed. "I guess so but we have to meet him of course so we know if he's good enough for you!" He says.

"Yea!" I agreed. Mom laughed simply saying, "yes of course!" We then had a family hug.

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