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Aimee's POV
It's 1 in the afternoon and I'm still in bed. I haven't gotten up to do anything. I cried myself to sleep last night. I couldn't fall to sleep no matter what I was doing. Although Connor talked to me, I was still upset. I've liked him since the day we met. He actually understood me but I ruined it by being in a picture that as clearly photoshopped.

I was stuffing my face into my pillow until I heard a door open and close. "Aimee?" I hear a voice. It was Bryan. "Yes?" I replied, with a. If sigh. The other side of my bed tips a little and I feel a hand on the back of my head.

"Are you really going to let some stupid guy do this to you?" He asked, rubbing my head. "He's not stupid Bryan!" I snapped, looking at him making him move his hand. "Listen Aimee, I'm sorry, but if he doesn't believe that you didn't cheat than yes he is stupid. In fact, he's a stupid asshole to do this to you Aimee!" He says, which made me lose it. I burst out crying, and hid my face in his shoulder.

"I miss him" I cried harder and harder. "I know you do Aimee. He was a good guy until this happened. I promise you it'll get better. You just have to be patient. You'll find someone else" Bryan says, and I pulled away.

"No! I don't want anyone else! I want him!" I snapped at him, crying. He sighs hugging me. I didn't hug back. I just cried into his shoulders. I didn't know what to do anymore. Everything finally seemed to be getting better and things were starting to look up but it's like my world is just crashing down again.

"If you ever need me, I'll be there for you Aimee. Your mom will be there for you. Connor will be there for you. You don't only have us, you have Crystal and April too and they care about you more than anything. In fact, they're downstairs worrying about you right now. They keep asking if you're okay" Bryan says, looking me straight in the eyes.

I smiled, wiping my tears away. "Thanks Bryan. Can I be by myself for a little bit?" I say. "Sure baby" he smiled, kissing my head. With that, he got up and left, closing the door behind him. I looked on the nightstand, next to my bed, looking at a picture frame of me on Ross's back laughing while Ross was running. It was a picture we took before we even started dating.

"Everyone's right. If you can't believe me, than I deserve someone better. I'm not sitting around waiting for a guy that can't even trust me" I whispered to myself, flipping the picture frame upside down.

I took my phone out, and went on Instagram. I looked at the camera and took a picture smiling. I didn't care what I looked like, I just wanted to be myself for a change. I posted it with the caption, 'nothing lasts forever so why sit around and watch your world fall apart when in reality you could be up there chasing your dreams ❤️'

Of course that's about Ross and my world but I wanted to post it, you know? I instantly got comments and likes on that picture. I smiled looking at some of the comments.


"You go girl! Tell em! 😍❤️"

"Is this about Ross?"

"Who's cares if this is about Ross or not! You go girl! That's exactly right! ❤️ love ya!"

"Aimee, I know you've been through some tough situations but just remember in the end it'll all be worth it! #EveryThingHappensForAReason"

"You're my inspiration. My world. My everything! Because of you, I'm going to chase my dreams of being a singer and a dancer!"

"I think this about Ross! Did you guys break up!"

I decided to stop reading the comments before it all gets out of hand. I smiled knowing I'm an inspiration to millions of people. I looked down at one more comment not helping myself but this one caught my eye. Of course it was Ross.

"Maybe nothing lasts forever because a girl is being a selfish bitch that cheats on everyone"

I lost it. I somehow managed to fight back the tears but why would Ross say something like. Especially on social media where ANYONE COULD SEE IT! I just decided to forget about it and go downstairs.
25 comments = another update!

QOTC (question of the chapter): do you think Ross and Aimee will get back together? Why or why not?

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