18 :: a sorta-kinda break-in

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also, don't cry, but I may have changed the story a little

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...also, don't cry, but I may have changed the story a little.
Italics - Japanese
Regular Text - English
"This house gives me the creeps."

You shiver as you step into the door frame of the traditional house. Knowing that it was a serial killer's made it no better.

"Look for anything that can help us find him," Jotaro says, before branching off into a separate room with Josuke.

"I'll go...uh, this way," you say, pivoting on your heel and making your way down the hallway. You peer into a couple of rooms before you come across what appears to be his bedroom.

Sitting on the small bed in the middle of the room, your eyes scam each wall. You push yourself off the bed to look into the closet.

You slide the door into the wall and run your hands over the coats and pants on the hangers throughout the racks. A red box with a card on top catches your eye.

Looking at it closer, the box is quite big. You pick up the card. It's clearly bought, but it probably wasn't cheap - it was nice cardboard and had some really pretty watercolor flowers on the cover.

To my dearest:
I miss you so much. I hope this helps you think of me.

It wasn't signed. You raised an eyebrow at how gross and mushy the card was, but you did wonder who the card was for. You shrugged, thinking it was probably for one of his 3 billion girlfriends. (Or 6 billion hands lmao)

You carefully placed your hands on the box's top. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and...

You whipped the top off, expecting it to be a bomb or something. Opening one eye, it was a dress.

You carefully picked up the dress by its thin straps and stood up. It was a shade of velvety red, the hem touched the floor, and there was a slit going up the skirt for that "tasteful" leg view.

You held the dress up to your body and looked into the mirror hanging in the wall. It surprisingly seemed it would fit.

"Huh. I kind of want this dress," you said to yourself. Your arm touched your shoulder, and you realized that you still had your school bag.

You set out bag down and rearranged some papers and books before carefully folding the dress and stuffing it in.

Mid-stuff, you had a though: "is it wrong to steal from a murderer's house?" You shrugged. "I'm just stealing. He kills people."

You walked out of the room with the card in hand, and after walking for a short while, leaned into the doorway that Josuke and Jotaro were in.

tough luck :: josuke x readerWhere stories live. Discover now