Dont need help or you

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Erin felt like she was going to have a panic attack. How did they know she was going to be at that bar.? That didn't matter right now. She wanted to focus on her life . She wants to see what she missed out on while she was undercover.

Undercover at a rehab. But problem was right when she was wanting help they offered her this gig. So really she wasn't undercover. It was when she needed help . And she took it. Just like she took this job offer, when her mother was in trouble. But really she knew she wasn't going to be a cop again. That's why she was here. A new chance. No going back.


Jay wanted to reconnect with his girl. He wanted be there forever with her. That's why he was going to propose. But he didn't when he found out about the offer. He needed to see her once again. But did she want to see him. No she didn't want to see him. But he didn't know that. Maybe together forever will happen sometime . 

Once he woke up that next morning, he left and went to the 16 precinct. He swear he can see her again in Olivia's office. He didn't know if that was for sure but he waited with everyone else . That girl walked out wearing a hoodie and past them with showing her face. He knew that was his girl. He would get her back no matter what it took.


Erin was glad to get out of there without anyone seeing her. She finally headed to work and here goes her going on a a few raids for today. Her talking to everyone on what they would be doing to close this case up right now and getting everyone who was connected. She needed a break. She went out of the building and went to the cafe. She ordered lunch and her water. While she waited she looked at those photos.  The file from when she was undercover. She never wanted to see it but she would have to soon. She had to testify.

Testify right there in front of her family. She didnt want them to hear about what happened.  She just wanted it to be her, the judge, lawyers and that's it. If intelligence was going to be there , she can't testify. She snapped out of it once they called her order. She was walking back when she saw him. Gross blue eyes.

This has to be a dream.


Jay was glad he could finally get a break from working this case. He finally got lunch after this case from hell. He was walking up and saw those hazel eyes he thought he was never go to see again. Erin.

She's right here in front of you . Don't let her get away his mind told him. If he had a chance again to be with her, this is her chance.

"Jay." Erin said.

"Wow Erin." Jay said.

"I think I need to get going ." Erin said trying to get away. Stop her jay.

"Do you have time to talk?" Jay answers

"I'll text you a time and place." Erin ran off before he can say bye . Why would he say bye? He's gong to see her again.


Once Erin got back to her office, she wanted to be alone. She never thought she would see those eyes again. Not in a million years she thought.

She sat right there in the corner, looking at th file. She had to testify in a few days but now she was thinking. She had to tell Olivia how she    only wants her and the lawyers . Intelligence could listen in but can't see her. Doesn't want them to know it her story. But maybe they already know. She still had to call her.


After Olivia talked to Erin, she had to say something to everyone else.

"Okay, one of our victims who's going to testify said she only wants certain people . So with that being said, hank , your unit can listen in. Rollins and everyone will listen I'm. I will be I. There. " she went back into her office.

"Olivia please don't tell me that who I think it was." Hank said.

"Yes it was Erin. I'm sorry but just going by what  she told me." Olivia said. He walked out. He needed to talk to her and now was the time.


Today was the day she had to testify. She got to court before anybody else. Then Olivia and everyone else . Once court started Erin went up there.

"Ms. Lindsay ,can you tell us what happened before you went to rehab." Barba asked.

"I had just moved from Chicago to accept a new job with the FBI. And I had a set back. I was missing my family when I staring the FBI. I screws it up." Erin said

"How'd you get into the rebar?" He asked. It was a dumb question but she had to answer it.

"They offered me a undercover job. I also needed the help and they knew about it." Erin said.

"And you were victimized when." He asked. She hates that word. Victimized. She was a victim but still.

"She doesn't need to answer." The other lawyer said . Erin wanted to get this over with and then arguing is not help.

"I think she has the right to tell what happened."The judge said. 

"Um, I was almost done from being in there. Then one night when I was reading, he came in. Towards me. He tied me to the bed. Nobody was around. My roommate saw what was happening and wanting to get help. He said if she did I would die."Erin cried. 

Jay couldn't believe what happened to the love of is life. She was a victim. She shouldn't have to go through this. Nobody should. 

"Once he was done he left and said I'll see him again. "Erin said. She was looking down. 

"That poor girl can't even look at me cause she's scared."The defendant said. 

"Don't say anything."The lawyer said. 

"Continue on with your story."The judge said. 

"I finished the program and went back to my job. I promised to never do that agin. And they even knew what had happened to me."Erin said. 

"Nobody ever does this to my girl."Jay said . Everybody was shocked on  her story but Jay wad the most shocked. 

"The jury will now see if the defendant is guilty or innocent."The judge said. 

Once the chose the verdict the revealed it. 

"For multiple counts of rape, we find the defendant guilty."Everybody was glad. Erin tried to get out of there before anyone saw her. Too late, they were right there are staring at her. 

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