Memories come with explanations

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Once Erin got home he was waiting for her. The kids were having a sleepover here so he was going to spend the night with her. Once the put in their order to pizza they were on the couch watching a movie. Now discussing their memories. 

"Erin, it's been awhile since we seen each other. How did you end up in New York?"James asked. 

"Well that a long story. You want the beginning or a short part."Erin said. 

"Everything."He said looking at her. She knew this was the perfect guy. 

"Well I never knew if I was going to see you again so I was on the streets. " Erin said. 

Flashback:POV Erin 

"Stop right there."A cop yelled. I stopped right there. 

"Turn around and put your hands behind you back."The other cop said. 

Once they took me down to the district, the cop Detective Voight kept looking during glass window while some other cops interviewed me. It's like he felt bad for me. They finally let me go with a warning. 

The next few weeks they kept getting calls and finally arrested me again. I knew I would never see my friends or James my crush since they met. 

"Al I feel bad for this girl. She looks like she could do something with her life. But she's on the street ."Voight told his partner Alvin Olinsky . 

"Hank we can't save them all."Al said as he walked way to go book me. 

After I got released, Voight came looking for me He offered something I could never turn down . Getting clean and move in with him. Once we got to his house I standing near him. His wife Camille and Justin were waiting for him to explain. 

"Hank, what do you think your doing brining some girl off the streets into our home without asking us first. "Camille whispered yelled. 

"Camille, she's been on the streets for awhile. Her mother nowhere to be seen. Give it a chance."Hank asked his wife. She finally agreed. 

I went to a private school. Hank made ideal with the head of the school if I got into a fight I can't stay at the school.  Everything was going fine until some girls found about my past. I knew I couldn't get into a fight and left it alone. I actually grew a relationship with Camille and we bonded and did everything together. Once I finished school I went to the police academy. I was a detective until that stupid mistake. My ex boyfriend Jay tried to help her but he couldn't .Hank offered me a job and she took it. 

End of flashback. Not in anybody's POV 

"Well at least I know you better now."James said as he called down the kids for the pizza and started to dig in. 


Once Jay woke up he felt lightheaded. He took a Advil after he showered and went to work. There was a new case. 

"Mickey Housden ,body was found last night by a lake. All we know about him he was about to graduate . "Antonio said. 

"We don't know if he made enemies are anything."Hank asked. 

"Nada."Antonio replied. 

"Ok, look into this guy . He had to pull a few strings."Hank ordered. Once Jay found something , him and Burgess went to the parents house. 

"Do you know if your son would have anybody to get a revenge?"Kim asked. 

"No. Do you."The mother asked the father. 

"I don't think so."The father said. We thanked them and went to the district.  

"Alright there's one guy he had business with.Javier Nichols. Says he lives in New York . Sells Drugs and runs a kiddie ring. He also plays on the New York Nets."Ruzek said. 

The New York Nets. Thats the team that guy is on that's Erin dating. 

"Ok . Antonio, Haley. Jay. Pack up, You guys are going to work with New York Intelligence Unit with guy. Plane leaves at 3."Hank said. They went home and off to New York. 


Erin was in her office finishing up her paperwork form the raid today when she got a call. 

E: Special Agent Erin lindsay Speaking.

U: Hi This is the intelligence unit down in New York. Our Sergeant is handing the FBI the case we are on. 

E: Oh. Can I get the name of the case? 

U: Yes the Javier Nichols case. You heard of it right. 

E:Yes I have

U: Well 3 deceives from Chicago's Intelligence Unit coming down here. Is it okay if we send them your way. 

E:You can send them down here. I might not be here but you can send the case down to my supervisor

U: Thank You. Have a nice day. 

Erin hanged up and went to pick up the kids.  She didn't want the case on her mind. James came over with Ryan and had steak for dinner.  


Once the New York Intelligence Unit told Jay and them to go down to the FBI headquarters and got from there. Told hem to ask for  Agent Jennifer Spencer. They went down to the FBI . 

"Ahh, I heard you guys were coming. I'm Agent Jennifer Spencer. I'll show our work area ."She showed them everywhere like the offices and the conference room. They even saw Erin's office which she isn't in yet. 

"Everyone listen up. "She yelled and everyone looked at her. 

"This is Detectives Jay Halstead, Antonio Dawson, and Haley Upton. They are here to work on the case of Javier Nichols."She said. Everyone took a seat of who was assigned. If not, they were waiting to see what they had to do. 

"Alright so we know this guy is dangerous. He's not playing for basketball right now so he's running this. So we gotta track him everyday we can."Agent Spencer said. Everyone started working and Erin came and went to her office. 

"Hey you think you be able to work this case, since I know your history."Agent Spencer asked. 

"My ex is here so."Erin replied. 

"Ok, whatever case you get handle it."Erin nodded and finished the paperwork form yesterday. She handed to Jennifer when she saw Haley, Antonio and Jay. She quickly walked back to her office. Oh why did her life had to be so hard?

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