Many things in the world we want or have

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There were many things she never knew about him. He was famous because he was part of a basketball team who are world star champions. New York nets. But he told her something that was a little surprising. 

'We known each other since we were kids. '

'We have?'

'I've seen you sitting out on the street and asked if you were okay.  After that we came friends.'

She never thought she would see him again. Her childhood friend she made who she had a crush on. At least the person that once saved her before was there with her.  


Jay started his morning off with his routine he does in the morning. Once he wakes up, head to the gym and comes back to take  a shower. HE goes to work and do his paperwork since there was no case. It's been so quiet. Without Erin its like no cases are to be made. No crimes. 

Since there's no cases he was just surfing the web when he saw something that caught his eye. He saw Erin on a tabloid. 

'Breaking news. James Smith, famous basketball player has been seen with a new girl.  We have learned it's Erin Lindsay. We'll be updating ' 

So she really moved on Jay thought. With someone who's making her happy. Something he was able to do until his past came and ruined it. It's finally kicked in . His PTSD.


Erin was so happy once she arrived at work. Her friends noticed it. maybe because of James(Ryan's father.) had a date with her last night. 

"So had did it go?"Lena asked. 

"It went different than I expected. "Erin replied. 

"Like did something go wrong?"Stacy asked. 

"No. It's I never knew he was famous . And a friend from my childhood."She muttered at the end. 

"What? So you know him?"They asked her. Erin brought them to her office. 

"Yeah. I had a crush on him since I've first met him. He's the one who first saved."Erin told them. 

"Well congrats on your  love>"They walked downstairs where James was waiting for with flowers. 

"You brought me daisies? "Erin said running into his arms. 

"Yeah. I remember you told me."He said going her a kiss on her forehead. 

"See you tonight."Erin asked and he nodded. 

"You guys are going to end up together."Stacy and lena joked. Erin chuckled and got back to work. Maybe she will. 


Jay had just won a game of paper toss against the kids when his brother called. 


W:Hey I have some news to tell you.

J:Okay what is it. 

W;How would you like to be a uncle?

J:Wow Will . I'll be glad too. 

W:Talk later.

After he hugged up and went to Molly's went the gang . He needed his mind off of everything. This is what he needed. Just move on. 

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