Maybe after I tell you the news, you'll come back

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"Thanks for catching me last night. I'll see you later."Erin got in the cab and went to the airport. He kept thinking on how he didn't notice it was her last night. Those curls she had, he would know from anywhere. Now she's gone. She left. He won't see her or the kids for a long time now. 

Once he got to work the next day, Adam came into the break room . 

"So did you find out who Cinderella was ?"Adam joked. 

"I did. It's someone i didn't expect."Jay said.

"Who?'Adam asked. 

"Erin."Jay said. Adam almost spilled his coffee.

"When did she come back?"Adam asked Jay. 

"That's the thing. I don't know. I barley found out yesterday and she left."Jay said. 

"Sorry man.  Let's go before Voight had both of our assess."Adam said as he and Jay walked out of the break room. 


Erin finally got back to New York. The kids were happy to see her. She thanked Olivia for watching them and took them home. The kids wanted to make a cake to welcome their mom home. Not like it wasn't special but it was sweet. Once they finished she posted it. 

"Kids wanted to make me a cake to share. Their so sweet."She wrote as her caption. 

"Alright kids let's dig in. "Afterwards watching movies made them tired because they kinda ate that whole cake. She knew they shouldn't have that much sugar but they wanted to have fun. 

She was glad she went to the ball the other night. She got to see some familiar faces even if she didn't talk to them. But she still couldn't believe Jay caught her that night. She never tough she would've saw him after him confronting her about the kids. It's a long shot if they see each other again. 


Today was easy for Jay Halstead. All he had to do was paperwork. Adam and Kevin were playing basketball by throwing it into the trash can. Jay was there on his phone . He saw Erin's newest pst. Making a cake with the kids. If they were here with him, they would be a family. Making cake with him. He missed Erin. He really never got over the fact that Erin left . 

"Jay, all of us are going to Molly's after shift. You coming."Kim asked. 

"Yeah."Once it hit 5, they all went to Moly's. He really needed a drink to get his mind of of Erin. 

"Jay what's going on in that pretty mind of yours?"Gabby asked as she gave him another drink. 

"I saw Erin the other night.Now she left."Jay said. 


Erin dropped the kids off at school and went to work. Once she got there, everyone was ready to go catch this person. They've been on the running trying to get rid of these drugs. Erin was going to get him. 

"FBI."They all yelled as they got out of the car. They arrested him and brought him to headquarters. 

Erin had been looking into old files . There was a connection to this guy. Then her phone went off. It was Jay . She wanted to answer it but at the same time she didn't want to. She got back to work and finally went to go pick up the kids after a long day. 

The kids fell asleep when they got home. So Erin started to make dinner now so they can eat once they woke up. While she cooked, Jay called. She declined it. Hank called her. She declined his calls. She declined everyone calls. Once they kids woke up they ate. She put on finding Nemo for the kids since they been begging to watch it. She cleaned up and went to join the kids on the couch. Her phone started to go off like crazy. 

2 text messages from Hank. 

Miss call from Hank and Jay

1 text message from Jay. 

From Hank: Erin might have a job for you to do.

#2:Call me. 

From Jay:Hey please call me. I really need to talk to you. 

She decided to call them back later after the kids went to bed. They finished the movie and went to bed. Once she knew they were sound asleep she decided to call Hank back first. Jay could wait. 


Hank was the last one to leave the district. That's when Erin had decided to call him back. 


E:You said you have a new case I can take one. 

H:Actually it's more like something you can come back too. 

E:I don't get it.Erin though for a while . Then she knew what Hank was saying but wanted Hank to tell her. 

H:Erin, I know it's been 5 years since you worked for the CPD but before you took off to New York,I was going to tell you the news. 

E:What news? 

H:The Ivory tower gave me the answer to your case. You were allowed to have your job back. 

She had no word on what to say. 

E:Hank, even if I didn't leave for the FBI I would be pregnant on the job. 

H:You were pregnant .

E:Yeah.Found out once I came to New York. I would've told you. But Hank .


E:If I went back to Chicago, I don't think it wouldn't work out. Bye.

She hanged up. She made her choice. She's not going back to Chicago. Not going back to Intelligence or CPD. Not going back her family. Not going back to Jay. 


She finally called Jay back after she made her choice to Hank. Probably the same thing Jay wants to talk about.


E:Did you hear the news?

J:What news. 

E:Nothing. Im glad Hank hasn't told you yet. 

J:Erin what is it. 

E:Jay, it's nothing. Why did you call me earlier?

J: Because I miss you Erin. I want you back in my life. 

E: I miss you too Jay but I'm not coming back.

J: What do you mean. 

E:That was my news to Hank. He told me how I would've still had my job in Chicago if I didn't leave. But I told him not coming back. It's not right to the kids. Goodbye Jay. 

He couldn't believe it. Was he ever going to see her again?Was this Goodbye forever? He wanted her to come back to her family. Now she may never come back. 

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