I guess letting it out is what I need

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Today, Erin was going to court so she get this divorce out of the way.

"All stand for Judge Smith."The officer in court called out. 

"You may sit down."The judge said. 

"So Ms. Lindsay it's nice to see you back in my court room, darling . For you Mr. Smith, do we have everything in order. "The judge asked. 

"We do your honor."James lawyer said. 

"Well thing, I can say by the state of New York you are legally divorced."The judge said.Erin garbed her stuff and walked out. 

"Erin,"James called out. 

"Anything you want we'll handle later.  All your stuff is going  in a storage locker. "She walked off and went to work. 


Everyone noticed she was in a mood when she walked in. Stacy knocked on the door. 

"Hey, you ok?"Stacy asked. 

"Yeah, just a lot on my plate."Erin said. 

"Did the doctor clear to work?"Stacy asked her. 

"Yeah he said I could work but I need to keep going to tradition till it's gone."Erin told her. 

"So what is on your mind? You can talk to me."Stacy said. 

"My divorce with through today. You know Jay, he wants to be in the kids lives.'Erin said. 

"Isn't that a good thing."Stacy asked. 

"Did I tell you about the whole reason I left?"Stacy shook her head. 

"At first me and him were doing great then his wife came along."Erin said. 

"His wife?"Stacy questioned. 

"Yeah. He left to figure things out with her . A few weeks after that, I did the wrong thing to a suspect and was pulled to the CPD board. I left and found out I was having the kids. Stacy I don't want any of us leaving like that again."Erin cried out.

"Tell him how you feel and see what's the next step into this co-parenting thing. Go home to your kids and him. I'll tell Jennifer you needed to go home."Stacy said. Erin nodded. 


"Kids? Jay? I'm home."Erin called out. The kids ran into Erin's arms. 

"Hey munchkins."Erin said. 

"How were they today?"Erin asked Jay. 

"They been good. Why you home so early?"Jay asked. 

"Um...me and you need to talk."Erin said. 

Jay hoped he wasn't in trouble. Cause he just got back in her life. 

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