Don't think I don't care. I do care

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Once Hank got here, dropped his stuff off at the hotel and went to the hospital.

"Where's Erin?" Hank asked.

"She's in radiation." James said. Hank walked in there. 

"Hey."He said. 

"Hey. You came."Erin said. 

"Anything for you Erin? You need me to call anyone."Hank asked. 

"Please. Don't tell the unit." The doctor came in along with James. 

"So are ready for the news?"The doctor asked. 

"So, Erin. You have Lung cancer. If we start treatment now it can go away in matter of days."The doctor asked. 

"Thanks."We said. 

"Your staying here for treatment. "James said. She knew she couldn't argue with either one of them. She nodded. 

"Hey, I'm going to get her some stuff. Can you stay with her?"James asked. 

"Anytime."Hank said. James left to get her stuff. 


Everyone was wondering where Hank was. He usually comes before anybody gets there. Everyone kept trying to call him. After an hour Antonio finally got through to him. 

A:Hank where are you? 

H: Am I on speaker phone?

A: Yeah.

H: Take me off.

H: I'm in New York. Erin's husband called me and said to come down. She has lung cancer. She told me not to tell. So you can't tell anyone Antonio . 

A: I won't.

H: Good now say Olive called and that. 

A: Okay. Bye. 

Antonio came up with his story to tell everyone. Hank had fly to Olive's because Daniel is really sick. Sounds like the truth. 

"Where is he?"Haley asked. 

"He had to go to Olive's because Daniel is sick."Antonio said. They all nodded and got back to work.  Jay and Alvin didn't believe but they'll find out. 


Once James came back, Erin was happy. She changed into some leggings and one of hi shirts he wears. She fell asleep and Hank left for awhile.  

On the beach , chasing each other while laughing . It was always her dream to do this. The love of her life. Her best friend with her. Why can't everyday be like that? And having her fiends and kids near by.  Watching the sunset  in the sand is something you experience once. So why don't you just live your life to the fullest. Splashing water on the person you love. Erin knew something would happen.  

"Erin."She heard once she woke up.  

"Yeah."She said weakly. 

"You hungry babe?"James asked. 

"A little. "She said. 

"I'll be back."James said as she closed her eyes , her phone went off.  Somebody from Chicago. She answered it. 

E: Hello

A: Is that the strong Erin Lindsay I know. 

E: (cough) Hey Antonio 

A: How are you? 

E: Fine. Not the best at the moment. (James walked in ) 

A: Erin. I know your sick. 

E: I am. But you can't tell anyone. 

A: How about I come visit you to cheer you up? 

E: Yeah( her voice is weak) 

They hanged up and she ate what James brought. 


Jay and Alvin went up to Antonio .They were going t find out the turuth. 

"Where's Hank?"Jay asked. 

"You guys can't go running off to where he's at."Antonio stated. 

"Fine."Alvin said. 

"New York. Erin's sick. She has Lung cancer."Antonio told them. Jay was the one in shock. 

"Antonio, you expect me not to go over there? "Jay said. 

"Hank is there and updating us. She'll be fine. Get back to work."Antonio told them as stye walked out. 

Jay went home that night to Selena . After she fell asleep on his chest, he stood up thinking. The only thing that was on his was Erin. He always cared for her. There's no stopping that. 

"Jay, sleep with me."Selena said. 

"I will babe."HE played down and there all he dreamed of Erin.  

"I'll always be there for you.'He thought to himself before he fell asleep. 

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