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Erin was punching the wheel as she drove 30 minutes down to the 16th precinct. She was lucky her friends were able to watch the kids. Once arrived, she wiped her tears and walked in.

"Where is he?" Erin demanded as she walked in.

"Erin, its best of you don't." Olivia said.

"Fine." Erin walked to her car. She sat there cried her hardest. She cried till nothing came out. She put the car in drive as Jay, Olivia and Hank came out. She was gone by the time they were came were in the parking lot.

Erin was crying out to her friends as she explained to them.

"I don't know how I can deal with this anymore. With me being sick and now this. On top of that I have to care for the kids." Erin said.

"Hey about you go sleep this off and we talk in the morning. "Stacy said. Erin nodded and went to bed. Stacy and Lena fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning, Stacy and Lena woke up to a knock coming from the front door.

"I'll get it." Stacy said.

"Is Erin here?" The detective asked.

"Lena, wake up Erin." Lena woke her up and walked to the door.

"Me and Lena are going to make breakfast for the kids." Stacy nudged Lena and with to the kitchen.

"What's up?" Erin asked Jay. She felt a little awkward standing here talking to her ex. She can be civil and talk to him.

"Erin, I'm sorry but we had charged James with rape." Jay told her.

"You can't be serious. This is going be all over the news." Erin cried out.

"Erin, I'm sorry. But we have all the evidence to charge him." Jay told her.

"Can you stay for breakfast?" Erin changed the subject fast.

"Yeah." Jay said as he came inside and sat down. After while, he could hear little footsteps. Jay turned around to see 3 kids.

"Mommy who is that guy?" Jacob asked Erin.

"Kids this is Detective Jay Halstead. Say hi to him." Erin told the kids.

"Jay this is Anna, Jacob, and Ryan. Ryan is James's son." Erin told jay. He nodded and breakfast was serve. Pancakes, toast and eggs.

"Thanks for breakfast but I gotta go. "Jay said bye and walked out. Once the door was shut, Erin broke down.

"I can't believe this. I have to talk to him. " Erin said.

"Erin, it's no use." Jay could hear. Maybe he has another chance?

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