25: Returning to Hogwarts

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~ Hermione ~

Two days after New Years Eve is the day we have to return to Hogwarts. And that day is today. I'm planning on sitting with Draco, Blaise, Ginny, Harry, Pansy, and Virginia. Ron didn't talk to me at all during the New Years Eve party. Ginny said its because he still hasn't gotten over me yet and is pissed that I'm now dating Draco.

Dating Draco.

Never in a million years did I ever think that I would be dating Draco instead of Ron. Ever since Fourth Year I had a slight crush on Ron and it got stronger each year. But after we kissed in the Chamber of Secrets that crush went down in flames. To be quickly replaced by my crush on Draco. Which didn't crash and burn after we kissed at the party. Which is a good thing because as of now we're dating and I still really like him.

Channary, Marcus, and Lucas are seeing us off again. Lucas looks a little bit jealous that we're going to Hogwarts but it's going to be his turn in a few years. Then he'll have the time of his life and before he'll know it it'll already be over. We've already given hugs, said our farewells,  and all that jazz.

"All of you please write once a week. Now go, you don't want to be late" Channary says with a smile on her face.

We all nod and Blaise leads the way onto the train. After a few minutes of searching, we eventually find Draco and Pansy's compartment. Ginny and Harry are already in there, waiting for us to arrive.

They all look up and smile at us when we enter the compartment. I sit down next to Draco while Blaise sits down next to Ginny. Virginia sits down inbetween Pansy and Harry.

Draco puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"Where's Ron?" Blaise asks Harry.

Blaise normally would've called him Weasel or Weasley but seeing as how he's dating Ginny he probably won't be doing that anymore. At least when Ginny is in the room. Or maybe Blaise and Ron will eventually learn to somewhat get along.

"Sitting with Neville, Dean, and Seamus" Harry replies, sounding sort of sad.

Ron is Harry's best friend after all, it must stink for him not to have Ron at his side. Especially during our last year at Hogwarts. Even though they're both planning on entering the Auror program it doesn't mean they'll get a lot of time to hang out and see each other.

"Is he mad at us?" I ask Harry and Ginny.

"No.....I don't think so. More jealous I think. Because he still has feelings for you 'Mione and he did see when you and Malfoy got together" Ginny explains.

"You can call me Draco, seeing as how you're dating my best friend" Draco says.

"Uh...okay" Ginny says awkwardly.

Blaise, probably unknowingly, smiles at Ginny. Ginny doesn't notice but almost everyone else in the compartment does. It's adorable to say the least.

"Ready for a Quidditch rematch, Malfoy?" Harry says.

The first game of Quidditch after we return to Hogwarts is Gryffindor versus Slytherin. The last Gryffindor versus Slytherin game resulted in a tie, which annoyed both houses.

"I was born ready. How about you, Potter?" Draco asks with a competitive look on his face.

"As ready as I'll ever be" Harry says.

At least they're getting along, unlike Ron and Draco. Even if they still dislike each other at least they're not making the situation awkward by insulting each other.

"So, what shall we do until we reach Hogwarts?" Pansy asks with a somewhat mischievous look on her face.

"Dunno. What did you have in mind?" Blaise asks.

"Truth or Dare?" Pansy says, the mischievous look still not leaving her face.

"Sure. Who wants to play?" Ginny says, with an equally mischievous look on her face.

All of us end up playing instead of Virginia, who's catching up on the reading she was assigned over the Christmas break but didn't do. She's taking after Blaise in that regard.

"Alright. Potter, Truth or Dare?" Pansy says.

"Uh...I'll go with Truth" Harry replies with an apprehensive tone and look on his face.

"Um....who do you like?" Pansy asks almost immediately.

"Uh...no one actually" Harry replies, sounding honest.

"Lame" Pansy says with a slight pout on her face.

"Ginny, truth or dare?" Harry says.

"Uh.....Truth?" Ginny says, sounding more like she was asking a question than answering one.

"Uh...is it true that you like watching Muggle Soap Operas?" Harry asks.

"yeah" Ginny says in a small voice, her face red.

How in the hell did Ginny get into watching Soap Operas? I'm pretty sure the Weasley's don't have a TV at the Burrow so how does she watch them.

"What are Soap Operas?" Blaise asks, sounding and looking confused.

"A Drama TV show" I reply.

"TV?" Blaise asks.

"Honestly Blaise, how do you not know what a TV is but you know what a radio is?" Pansy says, shaking her head in dissapointment.

"I don't know, Pans. Don't judge me" Blaise huffed.

"It's alright, babe. A TV is a muggle contraption in which you can watch long moving pictures on. And they aren't the same ones each time" Ginny explains, looking lovingly at her competely oblivious boyfriend.

We continue to play Truth or Dare until the train reaches Hogsmeade station. From there we take the carriages that are pulled by Thestrals back to the castle.

Back to our home away from home for the last time.

Hermione Zabini [DraMione] {Wattys 2017}Where stories live. Discover now