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Class was boring with Blood King's lecture and all I could do to keep myself awake was stare out the window, which was also boring me to death.

I should probably just ditch this class and get coffee, the bitter one that defines my existence. Oh god I need a life.

"Miss Agatha, are you listening?"

I turned my head back to period king in the front desk. "Maybe."

"If you think this is a joke-"

"The equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity that expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other is no laughing matter, Blood-sensei. You see, in the equation, the increased relativistic mass of a body times the speed of light squared is equal to the kinetic energy of that body."

He blinked at my blunt statement. "What?"

"E = mc2; your whole lesson into an elaborate yet less complex description." I yawned as everyone started snickering. "Wake me up when its lunch."

That was when period king finally lost it and blew up a fuse. "GET OUT OF MY CLASS! YOUR ATTITUDE IS UNACCEPTABLE FOR A HERO- OUT!"

"Finally, god I thought you'd never ask!" I grabbed my bag and made my way out the door.

Maybe the library will do- yeah, the library sounds just about right. I've always had a knack for sleeping in a library, its been my sanctuary even since I was a kid.

I miss the smell of books, the deafening silence and my brother arranging the stack of books in a weird order.

The library's the only place I know that reminds me of home, and its always good to sleep in your home.



With a book over my eyes, I grunted when someone started disturbing my slumber. "Go away.."

The dipshit lifted the book just enough so I could see his freckled face. "Its me, Izuku. Can I sit here with you?"

"Kid, I don't give a fuck what you do."

"I'll take that as a yes then."

He didn't even think twice about taking a seat on the floor next to me with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"What's wrong with your face?"

Izuku got flustered all of the sudden. "I'm just glad to make a new friend."


"Well yeah, you may come off as passive-aggressive but you didn't shut me out. And I asked All Might, he said you were one of the handful few he told about his power." He smiled even wider and lowered his voice. "This is the first time I can talk about One For All with someone my age, and I'm really happy."

How pure can this boy be- I swear I see a halo on top of his smiling freckled face. I can feel my skin burning just by touching shoulders with him.

"I guess we're pretty similar." I hugged my legs against my chest and rested my head on his shoulder. I shit you not I heard him squirm like a little boy. "But we're also very different in ways you can't even begin to comprehend."

"Y-Yeah.. your quirk 'Demon', its not something an ordinary person can handle. Without proper knowledge, you might just get yourself killed." Izuku started jotting down in the notebook he just pulled out of who knows where. "Do you mind if I take notes about you?"

I sat up and scratched the back of my head. "Sure but this is my first time being interviewed, I was never really publicly shown for the media's object of ridicule in tv- cause y'know, I'm the youngest villain in history. Not much to get outta me for being a murderer."

My Demons ( Katsuki Bakugou x OC My Hero Academia )Where stories live. Discover now