twenty one: point of no return

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"In the name of the Pro Hero Endeavor, you are hereby under arrest." Kuroo pressed his palms together then pulled them apart to form a straight line, producing a spear out of his illusion quirk. "For the massacre of hundreds of innocent people, for the injustice that their families have suffered, and for being suspected of manipulating Pro Heroes and the Principal of UA High into gaining custody of you."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Fake news."

"Doesn't matter. You're coming with me, one way or the other."

"You're dreaming if you think I'm gonna do that willingly."

"Again, your say doesn't matter. My direct orders are to bring you in, dead or alive." He shrugged. "I prefer the former if you ask me."

My hand hovered across the blade of my scythe, setting it ablaze. "That's cute." Then got into a stance, with my weapon at the ready. "I'd love to stay and chat, really, but it's a school night so-"

He suddenly threw his spear overhead and hit the only two streetlights enabling us to see in the dead of night. "No light, no shadow. If that's your only magic trick then I suggest you surrender now."

"And I suggest you fuck off, but I guess neither of us are that good in listening." I swung my blade in a swift motion to create a ring of fire around us.

I'm well aware that this would limit my movements, but it'll also keep the collateral damage to a minimum and still have a light going.

Shade's not particularly affected by the darkness- he's actually much stronger without light. That's why I should probably link up with Tokoyami after this and maybe learn a thing or two from his Dark Shadow.

I reached my hand out and took hold of Kuroo's shadow, but the bastard instantly disappeared from sight.

The next thing I knew, blood started dripping down from my lips when he plunged another spear through my chest just as he reappeared right in front of me.

"What a waste." He stared at me nonchalantly and leaned closer to my ear. "You could've been good for Katsuki." Then twisted the blade, causing a bile of blood to rise up my throat.

Once the spear vanished, I fell forward against him and was barely holding on to dear life.

"And here I thought you'd put up more of a fight-" He paused, his eyes flashing red.

"I-I'm not much of a fighter.." I pushed myself off of him and sat down on the ground, pressing a hand to my chest. "But Shade is."

My shadow held both sides of Kuroo's head and forced the boy to look him in the eyes.

This was the same thing Shade did with Hugo Reiss back when he tried to bomb the school. He shows people their worst fears and renders them too overwhelmed to even fight back.

I watched as Kuroo dropped to his knees and grabbed a fistful of his hair before letting out a blood-curdling scream.

I can only imagine what's going in his head right now.

A shadow hand slithered it's way up to my wound and began tending to it.

"That's enough." I said under my breath. "He'll lose his sanity if you keep that up."

Though reluctantly, Shade halted his little mind-breaking game and retreated to my side to help me up on my feet.

I grabbed my scythe off the ground and threw all of it's weight over my shoulder. "Tell you what. By the end of the week, I'll do the mature thing and drop by at your agency after class. I think it's about time I pay uncle Enji a little visit."

My Demons ( Katsuki Bakugou x OC My Hero Academia )Where stories live. Discover now