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Ross's pov-
It was 12 in the morning. I had a night mare. I woke up breathing heavily. Max looks at me cause I'm assuming he was still awake. "You ok Ross?" He says looking at me.
"Yeah just a nightmare." I nod.
"Ok you sure you look like you just saw a ghost."
"Y-yeah I'm fine..." I look down. When I look up he is looking down at me.
"Ross I know your not fine what happened?!"
"Just a dream about how I think my crush will end up with someone else...." I look down tearing up. See my crush is max. And I know he will probably end up with Shelby.
"Who is your crush?"
"I can't tell...."
"Come on Ross." He playfully punches me in the arm. I run out the door crying. I look around and I see Shelby doing the same she runs right so I run left. Max was chasing me but when I got to where I was hiding he wasn't after me. I saw him run right. I think he thought Shelby was me. I sit there and cry. When I see max walk out with Shelby I cry more. Once a lot of time passes I walk back to our room. When I got there I quietly opened the door. When it opened I saw max sitting on his bed staring at me. I run to the bathroom and lock the door. He knocks on the door. "Ross let me in."
"Come on I'm sorry if I made you upset."
"I'm to weak to make it to the door max I was crying in a corner for a long time!"
"Where is the key Ross?"
"I don't know god why am I so stupid!"
"Your not Ross stupid!"
"Yes I am that's why my crush doesn't like me back max!"
"Who is this person I will punch them!"
"N-no one...."
"Ross I want to help." I have enough strength to getup now. I get up and I unlock the door. He comes falling in top of me. It hurt a lot when I hit the ground. He quickly gets off of me and helps me up. When I get up I run out of the bathroom and to a bed. I jump on it and hide under the covers. Max comes over and jumps on top of me.
"Max get off of me!"
"No your on my bed."
"Oh well I'm not moving!"
"Ok then scoot over."
"Scoot over so I can sleep."
"O-ok." I scoot over and he climbs into the bed with me. I can feel myself blushing a lot. And then I feel warmth on my back and two arms around me. I didn't push him off so I just stayed there. Then I feel asleep.
Time skip cause you guys know what happens from last chapter-
We were walking to where we were going to train. I walked next to Max. I was kinda nervous. But I need to worry about our powers right now. When we get to the training area Joel says "Ok Max can you try to make some fire with your hand?" Max nods and try's to make fire in his hand. When he does he exclaims.
"I did it oh my god!" Joel nods.
"Ok Ross now you try to shoot some water at the fire." I look at my hand and form water in it. I make a surprised face then I look up and shoot it at Max's hand. While I do get the fire I also get his face and clothes. I laugh and run away. He of course chases me.
"Ross I'm gonna kill you!" I continue running.
"No max please." He is faster than me so he catches up and jumps on top of me. I spray water I his face. I laugh. He gets off of me and we walk back over to Joel. He is laughing."did you know that laughter is healthy for your cardiovascular system?" I say to him.
"Nerd!" Max says and laughs.
"Oh shut up!"
"Anyways let's get back to training!" Joel says and we both nod. We get back to training.

Aww poor rossy. Ok bai guys.

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