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Eventually, I found an outfit. It was around 7 and my mother had left a few minutes ago. As far as I knew I was home alone. My box braids were tied up in a makeshift bun, and a silk scarf was tight around my head, laying my edges down. Currently, I was just finishing up my eye look when my phone lit up and started to ring.

I jumped a little considering I was sitting in silence. It was Harry. I picked up, and left him on speaker phone.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, letting him know I had answered.

"Brooklyn, I'm here."

"Fuck, im still getting ready. Do we have extra time?"

"Yeah, the concert starts at 10. I just thought you'd want to get something to eat."

"10! You lied to me!" I exclaimed and he just started laughing like crazy. "Bitch" I muttered under my breath, "you can come in and eat something if you're hungry. im home alone." I said, I heard him mumble something under his breath followed by a small chuckle.

"K, I'll be inside in like 10 seconds" harry said, and hung up.

I giggled continuing to blend out the crease of my eyelook. About a minute later Harry finds himself up to my room, with a bowl of cereal. 

"I was hungry." He said and I just smiled, gesturing for him to sit on my bed. "You look nice," he sung, poking at the back of my shoulder. I giggled, "thank youuu" I sung back to him.

"These are cool records," Harry smiled, flipping through my crates stacked tight to its end. "A lot of them are my dads" I responded and he nodded. He shoved his hands into the pocket of his blue denim jacket, whipping around himself to face me. "Does your dad still live in Detroit?" He asked, I could feel the tears pricking my eyes but I pushed them back. "something like that" I mumbled, but he didn't hear me. "Anyways, what time do you want to get going?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Now that dinner is off, whenever" He responded, "we should leave probably around 9" he said and I just nodded.

I finished my eye look and my makeup for tonight was done. I sprayed on some setting spray, and flopped into my bed next to Harry. He was sitting up against the back frame, and my head was on his lap, and my legs just hung off the bed.

"You're so undeniably beautiful, Brooklyn." He said and I rolled my eyes, almost straight punching him in the gut. "Fuck off," i said and he just chuckled. "Why don't you believe me?"

"Cause'!" I exclaimed and he just stared at me. "Why would someone like you, want anything to do with someone like me? I'm disgusting, Harry." I crossed my arms infront of my chest, and he immediately jerked them away.

"What's disgusting is how you let these privileged little white pricks tell you how to feel about yourself. You're beautiful. Your skin is beautiful," he reached down and stroked my cheek "Your hair is beautiful," he twisted my braids in his palm.

"Your lips are beautiful.."

With that, Harry began to lean into me for a kiss. A million thoughts were racing through my head— do I pull away? do I want to kiss him? Do I even like Harry? Before I could answer any of them, his lips were pressed against mine.

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