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saturday — 7:56 PM

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saturday — 7:56 PM

"Why are you so dressed up?" My mom questioned, sucking on her ice cream spoon as I struggled down the stairs in my heels.

"I'm going to prom." I stated once I got to the bottom, the woman almost choked. "Prom! With Harry? Awe, I love him! Let me get my cam-"

"Mom!" I stoped her, "It's not Harry."

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" She furrowed her eyebrows, and I rolled my eyes. "No— Well, technically yes, but it doesn't seem like he wants to be with me anymore."

"Have you talked about this? Does he know what you're doing-" My interrogation was cut short by the doorbell ringing. Thank god. Mom obviously shot up from the couch, abandoning her strange white wine and halo top nightly concoction.

"He's here. please be cool, we're just friends and we both just want this to be a very calm, chill, event." I said in a whispered voice, waddling towards the door.

"Hi." Carter breathed, a grin spreading wide across his face. "You look really nice," he said.

"So do you."  I responded, pointing to his red tie as I scooted to the side so he could see my mom. "Alright, mom, this is my friend Carter. Friend Carter, this is my mom." I said, he leaned forward to shake her hand.

"How'd you two meet?" My mom questioned, I rolled my eyes. "Through Maggie, right?" He answered and I nodded. "Oh, look at that it's 8:00, gotta go!" I exclaimed, grabbing Carter's hand and rushing out the door.

We both got into his car which was messily parked on the curb and quickly sped off the street.

"Shit, I forgot, I got you a flower bracelet thing," Carter cursed and I chuckled. He reached behind him and picked it off the backseat. It was in a weird plastic container. Like the ones donuts come in.

"For my beautiful prom date," he said, placing it in my lap.

"Thank you." I smiled, opening the packaging and securing it around my wrist.

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