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Today morning was different. I don't know whether it had anything to do with Harry or maybe the way I slept.. but I felt peace for the first time in weeks. With an extra 10 minutes to spare, I got out of bed, pulling my Nike leggings over  my bare legs. I took off my sweatshirt, clasping a bra onto my bare chest, and putting a t-shirt over my body. I put a Brooklyn University sweatshirt that belonged to my father, over my t-shirt before dressing my big jacket over it all.

I let my black braids down from their pony tail and put Harry's maroon hat on my head, letting it cover the tips of my ears. I swung my bag over my shoulder and hurried down the stairs, quickly shoving my feet into my Uggs that I knew I'd have to give up once it began snowing.

"Hey Junior," I smiled at the lucky bastard that had a P.A. day today. "Hi Brooklyn." He greeted me with his cereal full mouth. I just chuckled to myself, waving him goodbye before leaving my home.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed Derek's front door swinging open and I smiled to myself, thankful I wouldn't have to walk by myself.

"Derek!" I called out, catching the brown boys attention. He whipped his head around and waved at me, before catching up to me. "Why is there always a three week gap between each of our interactions?" He asked and I just laughed. "Because you disappear and you never answer my texts!" I exclaimed and Derek shrugged, realizing I was right. "I got a new phone, did I forget to tell you that? Oh, I got a new-"

"I don't wanna here it," I cut him off, laughing. We walked in silence for a little before he spoke up again. "So, how've you been since the.. the thing.." he questioned and I sighed.

"Well.. at first not so good, then Harry got in another fight with this kid who was bothering me. And he called me.. and asked me to talk to him." I explained and I could practically feel Derek's eye roll. "So, I met with him.. and we talked. He told me he.. he loved me. Then we kind of kissed.. then I kind of forgave him..." I said lowly.

"Come on, Brooklyn!" He sighed, nudging me slightly. "This guy cheats on his pregnant girlfriend with you then just says he loves you and everything disappears?" He summarized dramatically. At this point I couldn't tell if he was playfully shouting or not. "No, no. He explained— she wasn't pregnant and they broke up like months before Harry even moved here." I explained and Derek just laughed.

"Lying isn't a hard thing to do, B." He sighed, "whatever. If you believe him, who am I to take that away from you? Are you free tonight?" Derek changed the subject and I nodded.

"Yeah, I think."

"You should come over and we'll go in the hot tub again." He suggested, stopping at his bus stop which conveniently was two feet away from the crossing to the high school. "Yeah.. that sounds fun. I'll be over by 8." I smiled at him and he nodded back.


The bell dismissing us from third period rang, sounding like heaven. I packed up my things quickly and shoved them into my backpack. Ofcourse, i was the first to stand and the first to leave so I took my time in the hallway watching it slowly fill.

In a few minutes I reached the main building where the cafeteria was and my eyes fell on a certain red head infront of me, that probably was Maggie.

I jogged up to her and tapped her cardigan wrapped shoulder, making her head whip around. "Oh, hey Brooklyn." Maggie smiled at me and I returned one back as we sat across from eachother at the lunch table. I fished out a squished bag of Lays from my backpack, making me loose complete appetite.

"Is there another Brooklyn going here?" Maggie asked after atleast a minute of silence. I shrugged, "probably," I responded. "Some girls were talking about Jake that little white boy that plays cricket and is really aggressive- you know him?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, apparently he got into a fight with Harry like last month and he broke his nose but it was over a girl named Brooklyn. I thought it was you for a second but then I remembered you don't know Harry and Jake is also like crazy racist so you wouldn't be friends. I don't know, just asking." She shrugged.

In the corner of my eye I saw Harry walk up to cafeteria doors, we locked eyes for a moment and he reached for his phone. My phone buzzed moments later.

harry xx
do you wanna come eat with me?

I sighed, looking up at Maggie. "Hey.. I have to go meet a friend," I said to her. I saw her smile fade into a frown. "Oh.." she said causing a pit of guilt to bubble in my stomach. "I'm really sorry." I said and she shook her head, "No. Go it's okay.. my brothers gonna come eat with me for a little anyway." She said and I frowned.

I stood up, leaving my barely touched chips on the table, and stringing my bag over my shoulder.

I kept eye contact with Harry as I walked around the perimeter again, sneaking my way through passing crowds of humans. Soon enough I met Harry at the doors and looked back only to see Maggie still sitting alone, her head now engulfed in a novel.

"Is that your friend?" Harry asked me and I nodded. "I feel bad.." I pouted, he kissed my cheek suddenly, grabbing my hand. "She'll be fine."

My heart began to pound at the speed of light.

He just kissed me; infront of everyone.

According to Maggie people notice Harry and people also notice that he has a girlfriend. considering the fact that all those girls were in the cafeteria at that moment where their ever-loving crush kissed me, atleast one of them saw it. And I was petrified.

"Are you coming to the art show this weekend?" Harry asked me, as we walked out of the school and into the parking lot. "Your drawing was picked. The drawing of the playground and the little girl and the old man." He stated and I sighed. "I don't know," I shrugged and Harry pouted.

"What's that drawing about by the way?" He asked, pulling his car remote from his pocket and pressing a button that unlocked the doors. A few seconds later we were seated and Harry immediately began driving since we only had 15 minutes left. I was assuming we were going to McDonalds.

"My dad." I mumbled and he looked at me. "Tell me about him.. you never talk about Detroit." Harry said and I just shook my head. "I don't wanna talk about it," I mumbled, looking down at my palms.

"Oh.. That's.. That's fine," he said awkwardly, I just turned my head towards the window. Harry turned into the McDonalds drive-threw and immediately speeded up to the window. He ordered a BigMac combo and ordered me fries and a large Nestea even though I denied both.

"Are you doing anything this weekend?" He spoke after a bit of silence. I picked up multiple fries and shoved them into my face, "Not really" I said with my mouth full.

"my great aunt is hosting a dinner this year and I want you to come." Harry stated, my mind went blank.

"To.. to meet them?" I questioned and he nodded vigorously. Should I? This is moving all too fast. We just got back together and now he wants me to meet his family? We were never together in the first place, we're not even together now!

"Yeah it's a Christmas Dinner," he responded not making me feel any better.

"Oh.. um.. okay sounds fun."

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