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i lost so many readers from my hiatus yikes



I woke up.

The ache I felt all of last night was still there. It felt like an MMA fighter just punched me as hard as they could in my chest. My whole body was just aching. Once I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't in my car in the hospital parking lot or on the lounge room couch. I was in a bed.

I sat up to see Brooklyn sitting at her desk across the room, studying?

I'm so confused. What time is it? Did she take me home? Did I drive? Does her mom know I'm here? Do I have to sleep at home alone tonight?

"You're awake," She said excitedly. I just hummed. She stood up and walked over to where I laid and sat against the headboard. I just collapsed back onto the bed and put my head in her lap. Her chocolate fingers combed through my brown curls and traced my ears.

"How are you feeling?" She asked softly, I just stared blankly at her Mickey Mouse socks. "I feel fine." I said, straining to talk. "My mom gave you some melatonin. You slept for 18 hours." She commented, I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"Your mom knows I'm here?" I asked and she nodded. She looked so beautiful. The golden hour light shot through her blinds and illuminated her skin. She glowed like an angel.

"Wait, how-"

I was interrupted by a knock on Brooklyn's bedroom door. "I'm coming in bitches," A
high voice warned and Brooklyn sighed.

"How many times have I told you to stop saying that! You're like 4!" She exclaimed and TJ rolled his eyes in the doorframe. "You're like four," he mocked her in a weird voice, "You need to relax, okay?Smoke some weed or whatever drug rich kids to here.. probably coke.. or like..."



"What do you want?"

"Oh! Yeah, dinners ready. And Gabriel's here again so that's fun." With that phrase he just walked away, leaving the door wide open.

"Who's Gabriel?" I asked innocently.

"My moms boyfriend, they're kind of gross." Brooklyn replied, standing up from the bed. "I don't really feel like eating," I said to her but she shook her head.

"You've basically slept all day, just come down and try. Please?"


"How are you feeling, Harry?" Brooklyn's mom asked gently while we were all sat at the dining table. I poked at my rice.

"I feel fine." I lied to them. Brooklyn's mom sighed, pursing her lips and beginning to cut at her steak.

"You know," Fuck. A lecture. Great. "I have had a lot of loss in my life. Friends, family, relationships, the whole deal. And I went through a lot of it when I was younger. So, I get where you're coming from." She said kindly, popping a chunk of meat in between her rouge painted lips

"Me too," A low voice, from whom I assumed to be Gabriel, interrupted. The guy looked like he could be the Dolan Twins' dad. I mean, really tan, dark hair, clean shaven, not to mention super ripped with huge ass arms and he had the whole really tight V-neck sweater situation going on. Rolled up too, showing off his veins and watch and shit.

(no shade to the dolans i love them so much lmao don't drag me, graysons my bby)

"I lost my dad when I was 21. My mom was in the military and we had no family out where she was stationed, so I had to fly my little brother Ryan out here to England where I was getting my bachelors. My mom died in Iraq a few months later and we only went back to the States for the funerals and decided to stay here."

"That's terrible," Brooklyn commented.

"It was so much worse for Ryan. He was only 15."

The table went quiet for a moment.

"I lost my mom when I was 16. It was really.. really hard for me. I mean, my grades started slipping, I got depressed, I almost dropped out. It was really hard. Especially as an only child it was just me and my Daddy until I met your father ofcourse and I moved out.. then my Daddy died when I was 21 too. I was an orphan so young.. I had no one before I even was someone, you know?"

I was touched, but she seemed to not be affected at all, whereas Gabriel and Brooklyn were tearing up.

"I lost my brother in a shooting before I turned 5, all my uncles were killed in gang violence, my best friends- everyone just seemed to fall down the same rabbit hole. Yes, I know there isn't a lot of job opportunities in Detroit but cleaning toilets at Walmart is better than selling drugs. Hell, anything is better than selling drugs. Or joining a gang. I just didn't want that kind of life for my kids, so, I got the job out here and left."

She explained further. Everyone stared up at her, stunned. Empathy just filled the air. Gabriel reached over and squeezed her little hand in his.

"Anyways," She coughed, "I know you lived with your Nana and sleeping in an empty house is and was my worst nightmare. I've done it before and it sucks especially this young. Harry, you're welcome to stay here as long as you like. We've set up the guest bedroom for you, even swung by and got some of your clothes. Until you leave for Carolina, this is you're home." She stated, smiling. Brooklyn reached across the table and squeezed my hand. I looked over at her and she smiled.

"Only if you want to stay here, ofcourse!" Gabriel said quickly.

"Do you wanna stay here, Harry?" Brooklyn's mom asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I really would." I strained out.

"Wonderful! Just don't sleep in Brooklyn's room please, and vice versa."

"I-I won't. Thank you. So much."

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