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saturday — 10:48 AM

"Alright, I have £50 to my name to shop for a dress to my prom that's literally tonight," I announced to Carter as we pulled into the mall parking lot. He chuckled to himself, keeping his eyes at the road infront of him. "See, all I need is a tie that matches whatever you're wearing" He said and I scoffed, "These are the times where I really wish I was a boy." I said and he smiled.

Once we were parked, we both got out of the car and entered the mall. Two years ago, I would've shit myself from stress about prom but admittedly, now, I don't care. I try to avoid any school social events simply because I have quite a few enemy's and seeing them when it's not 100% necessary is not something I enjoy doing.

We walked into a small shop that looks like it was closing down soon due to the many red CLEARANCE-75% OFF signs we saw on the window.

Carter hesitantly followed me inside. To my surprise, there were no other customers in the store, only a skinny guy bent over a counter... crying?

I glanced over my shoulder at Carter and gave him a 'should we say something?' look to which he just shrugged trying to hold in a grin.

"H-hi?" I spoke out, his sobs suddenly stopped and he jumped backwards. "Shit, hello! Hi!" He said wiping his tears frantically and putting back on his thick framed glasses. "How are you! What can I do for you both?" He shouted, draping a measuring tape around his neck and rushing over to us.


"-I'm looking for a prom dress," His eyes bulged at Carter's statement, "No! Not for me, for her," he placed his hands on my shoulders, "Not that there's anything wrong with boys wearing dresses.. I just.. would never. But if you-"

"-Yup, we have tons of prom dresses!" The man cut Carter off. I tried not to laugh, "What is your budget?"

"..50 pounds," I said a little ashamed.

"Well, today is the stores last day.. The one dream, I ever had, over, now I'm just gonna be a fucking bartender forever," He began to tear up.

"I've never felt more uncomfortable in my entire life." I heard Carter "whisper" to himself in the corner.

"Just pick any dress! Anything, everything in here is worth £50 bloody pounds anyways!" He shouted, choking on sobs and running into the back of the store. "..Alright, any dress Carter," I said to the boy holding in the biggest laugh.

He walked over to me and began pulling dresses off the racks, soon enough we had accumulated atleast 7 and began trying them on. Carter, sat on the ground criss-cross like a child as i showed him the various dresses. Eventually we found one, and then played Rock Paper Scissors to see who had to knock on the bathroom door for the cashier to come out.

Carter lost.

"Okay," he sniffed, cutting the tag off the dress and folding it into a bag. I handed him all the money I took out of my bank account earlier and he just pocketed it. "Have a nice prom," he said.

"Sorry about your store mate, it's gonna be alright." Carter said kindly over his shoulder.

"Just get out."



I read aloud to myself, tapping my foot anxiously infront of Nana's hospital room. Visitation hours were from 5:00-11:00 and ofcourse, I had to wait for the damn nurse to let me in. Meanwhile, I thought about the girl I met yesterday, in the cafeteria. I couldn't tell whether I thought she was cute or not but she was in university so that should have ruled her out immediately.

I don't know what's going on with Brooklyn but I couldn't be bothered. As much as I love her, she just wants 100% of my attention all the time and I just can't give it to her right now. Is that so wrong?


Fucking finally.

I stood up and lifted my fist to lightly tap on the door, but to my surprise it swung open. "Ah, Harold," The nurse sighed moving out of my way so I could enter.

I held in my eye roll and shifted my attention to Nana who had a newly acquired clear tube stuck down her throat.

My breath hitched.

"W-what's that?" I asked, my heart speeding up.

"Hm?" The nurse folding sheets in the corner hummed, "The t-tube. Why is that.. there?" I asked again.

"Oh, well- Last night her breath was a little unstable and the doctors thought it would be a good idea."

"Oh my god," I put my head in my hands.

"Well, she used to be a pretty heavy smoker so her lungs aren't the healthiest and oxygen wouldn't help that much if she could barely breathe on her own," The nurse said innocently. She immediately saw that wasn't helping with my near panic attack.

"B-But once she gets better we'll switch to a regular oxygen tank and it'll be much less.. alarming," she smiled.

I slowly walked over and picked her cold hand from her side and held it. It felt like ice.

"Nana?" I stroked her face, I saw her twitch and flutter her eyes. "I'm here, Nana." I said.

"She can't talk on that thing, ya know?" My great Aunt Dorothy spat at me, strolling into her sick sisters hospital room like it was nothing to her.

To be honest, I hate that buck-toothed, tobacco smoking, cold bitch with all my heart and I have since I was little. But if it wasn't for her there's no way we could afford this hospital room. So, I played nice.

"Harry, you don't always have to talk to connect. Read to her, perhaps." The nurse suggested, I smiled at her. "Thank-"

"-Thanks cupcake, bye!" Aunt Dorothy said sarcastically, collapsing into the chair and waving off the blonde.

"Do you wanna here a story, Nan? Squeeze twice for yes, once for no." I asked, she squeezed twice.

"Alright," I sat into the chair and pulled out 'The Dead Zone' from my bag.

"Chapter 1...."

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