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"Have fun with AIDS, you prick... what the fuck? Who would write something like this?" I asked, sliding the phone across the McDonalds table over the the red headed girl sitting across from me. Maggie, I think her name was.

"Meredith." A brunette boy answered.


"Meredith Jaggar.."

"Do you know her?" Maggie asked, I sighed. "Kind of. I never slept with her though." I argued back and the boy rolled his eyes.

"So, what now? What do we do?" Maggie asked, all our eyes drifted to Brooklyn who was demolishing a large fry, rapidly. I've never really seen Brooklyn eat this much, or this fast. It was kind of scary.

"I wanna fight her." She said with her mouth full. "I wanna fight this bitch, who does she think she is? Who do any of these girls think they are? I'm done, I'm so fucking done. If any one of them lay their pasty manicured mayonnaise looking fingers on me, once, I'm gonna fight them." She laughed dryly, drinking from her Nestea.

"Well, that's probably not the best idea." Maggie said and the boy shrugged. "I think Brooklyn's right."

"Thanks Carter." She mumbled and he nodded.

"We can tell the principal, or even contact instagram to get the photo taken down.." the red head suggested.

"It doesn't make any difference. Everyone has seen it." I chimed in and everyone nodded. The table fell silent but Carter spoke up again suddenly, "How do you know Meredith, again?" He asked directed towards me.

"I never slept with her."

"That's not what I'm asking."

"I met her at a Halloween party. Once, and I haven't spoken to her since then."

"Then, why did she say you fucked her?"

"Because she's a liar. We made out once but she was drunk. She wanted to sleep with me that night and I said no. And that was it." I confessed, I could see Brooklyn wince slightly in the corner of my eye. I felt pit of guilt form in my stomach as I watched an expression of hurt fall over Brooklyn's face. I placed a soft hand on her knee, but she pushed it off quickly.

"We should go back to school.." Maggie said slowly and Brooklyn shook her head, "I'm going home." She muttered.

"Come on— Brooklyn, there's literally 2 days left. What's the point of skipping?" Maggie sighed, causing Brooklyn's big brown eyes to roll. She stood up, holding her tray in her thin hands and dumping the remains into the garbage.

"Let's go." She said as she walked passed our table and to the door. We all stood, dressing our layers as we followed behind the brown girl. I jogged ahead of the two, catching up to Brooklyn and grabbing her arm swiftly.

"Hey. I.. I'm sorry," I looked down at her. She shoved her hands into her deep pockets, knitting her eyebrows together.

"For what?"

"You shouldn't have to go through this. If I was dating Maggie, Meredith wouldn't have posted that."

"That's because Maggie's pretty and skinny and everything I'm not-"

"Don't talk like that."

"Why? Why, Huh? Because it's true."

"It's not-"

"Then why did she say it?"

I frowned down at the girl, suddenly pressing my cold lips to hers. This was the first kiss we've had that was.. a kiss. A real, not rushed.. kiss. One of those kisses that feed you oxygen, that send chills through your body- but warm you at the same time, the kisses that mute the world, stop your breathing, and numb your chest. The kisses that delete everything.

I cupped her brown cheeks and she held my wrists lightly, swiping the pad of her thumb on the face of my wrist. She pulled away from me, ending the kiss so much sooner than I wanted it to end. She pressed her forehead against mine.  I felt my stomach flutter under the 3 layers on top of it. "I kind of wanna marry you." I slipped, immediately gasping. How the fuck do you accidentally propose to someone? "I- Oh my god, I have no idea where that came from. I'm sorr-"

"You haven't even asked me out yet."


"You never asked me to be your girlfriend."



"Well, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Not really.."


"-I'm kidding, Harry."


"I'll be your girlfriend."

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