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bsbshqhwh sorry for the late update im not in school rn so days of the week really don't exist to me and i just now realized it is wednesday

it's 11:40 pm

but enjoy !!

hope you guys had an amazing christmas or hanukkah or kwanza or whatever you celebrate



We shakily followed the nurse through the over-sanitized and blindingly illuminated hallway to the room where my brother was awaiting us. Harry held my sweaty palm, squeezing it and reminding me that everything is okay. I felt such a tightness in my chest as we approached closer and closer. We finally reached the room, the nurse opened the door allowing us to enter. My mom went in first and we all stared in awe.

He had his left arm and left foot in a cast, his head was scratched up and had a few bandages. I let my lips fall apart and I approached his bed softly. Juniors eyelids were fluttered shut but his heart monitor was beating steadily. I let go of Harry's hand and replaced it with my brothers. I knelt by his side and squeezed it.

"Hey, we're here. Junior.. we're right here." I whispered to him, glancing behind my shoulder I saw my mom unable to move. Hand covered her mouth and her eyebrows knitted tightly together, concentrated on the tiles. I could tell she was holding back tears. It must be hard— seeing your own children like this. It's different when they fell playing soccer, or maybe slipped during gym or something. But seeing your own child, wrapped up and bandaged because of someone else. Twice. I knew she felt guilty and I couldn't even begin to understand how she was feeling.

Finally, she cracked.

Letting out a choked sob, and covering her face with her hands. I could feel them filling with tears like mine did. I wanted to get up and hug her, but she had engulfed Harry who was standing right next to her. I turned my attention back to Junior and lifted my hand to stroke his cheek. To my surprise, his eyelids twitched, and slowly they opened.

"Brooklyn?" He croaked, his brown eyes wandering around the room.


"Why the fuck are you touching my face?" He asked quietly, I laughed. He didn't flinch. "Where am I?" He questioned further, "You're in the hospital." I responded.

"Hospital? Why? What happened?" He asked, trying to sit up, but I pressed my hand to his shoulder. "No. Relax, you're fine. Mom is here, I'm here, you're safe."

"I know that, Brooklyn." He responded in a 'duh' tone. "TJ, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" My mom coughed, walking over to the boy. She pressed her hand to his chest, I remember when she used to do that with me. "I'm fine. My ankle hurts a little. A lot actually." He commented casually, catching the nurses attention.

"Are you in pain, sir?" She asked and Junior nodded.

"Can you rate it on 1-10. We can give you some more painkillers."


"I'll be right back with that, Mrs. Nights the doctor will come in to talk to you further about the injuries, billing, and surgery soon." The nurse informed my mother before leaving the room. "Harry, Brooklyn," She sniffled, "Why don't you two go home. It's getting late and you have school tomorrow."

"I should stay mom-"

"Go home. Harry can you drive her home?" He asked, Harry nodded submissively and I rolled my eyes. "I'll text you if I'm not coming home." My mom smiled, kissing me on the cheek. I hugged Junior, well attempted to because he was threatening to spit on me. I told him I loved him and I'll be back tomorrow and then Harry and I left.

On the way home 400 LUX by Lorde played on 13 in Harry's car. My ears had stopped ringing and my nausea had died down by this time and his car practically shook along with the base of the song. I let my head fall against the window of his car watching the identical houses pass by in one big blur in my peripheral vision. His windshield wipers moved side to side, wiping away the rain the pattered on his car roof. This night was particularly warm for December. It was 8°C. So Harry's window was open, sending cool air into the vehicle.

I saw his hand go towards the volume knob, and he turned it down significantly. "How are you doing?" He asked me. I shrugged, exhaling.

"I'm... I'm feeling thankful. Thankful it wasn't worse.. thankful he's alive." I said. Harry nodded, "I.. So many shitty things are going on for you. I wish I could just.. somehow.. protect you." He said quietly, his voice cracking. I smiled slightly. "Thank you, Harry." I said.

The next 3 minutes of the car ride was silent until he pulled his car to a stop on the curb. I thanked him for driving me, and taking care of me through the day. I can't believe we'll be celebrating our anniversary on the same day the entire school called me a AIDS infested gorilla because of one salty white girl and the day Junior got admitted into the hospital.

I picked up my backpack and began to stand but something pulled me back down, and without thinking, I turned to Harry and said, "I know... I sound crazy. But can you stay the night.. my mom isn't coming home, I know that. You don't have too.. I just don't wanna be alone."

"I can stay." He nodded, smiling. He parked in the driveway, locking his car and following me into my house which for the first time was empty. We ate some Ramen infront of the TV and fell asleep on the couch, our heads on either ends.

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