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"Save him! Save him, please." I heard Brooklyn's voice call through the darkness of her living room couch. I let my eyes flutter open and I hummed in response.

"No, please. Don't let him die. Please." I heard her sob, muffled by a pillow. Concerned, I sat up on my elbows, looking over to see the lower half of her blanket covered body twitching. I leaned over, pulling the string on the table lamp beside me. Once the room was illuminated I stood and squated next to her, I could see tear streaks coming from her eyes. She was dreaming. "No he can't be gone. I can't loose him, I already lost dad. Please, come back. Junior, come back." She sobbed.

I felt tears well in my eyes at the words she was saying, and lifted my hand to her hip shaking her lightly. "Brooklyn, you're dreaming." I whispered, leaning closer to her. Her eyelids fluttered open causing another tear to drip down her cheek.

"Hey, stop, you're dreaming." I said, rubbing her hip. She sat up rapidly and began hyperventilating. "Brooklyn, you're dreaming. He's okay. Junior's okay, breathe." I said softly squeezing her.

Her pants slowed down, blinking away a few tears she looked over at me and just started sobbing. Loud, uncontrolled sobs, tears poured from her eyes like waterfalls. I rubbed her back, squeezing her hand. I didn't know what to say, but it hurt. It hurt so bad to see someone you loved so much going through so much. I wish I could take her pain away but all I could do was watch.

"I'm sorry," She said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I shouldn't be crying," She sniffed but I shook my head. "It's okay. It's okay to cry, you don't have to be strong all the time." I said.

"Harry..." she whispered quietly.

"Today...I.. My dad isn't in Detroit. He's dead." She said dryly, "I-I've never said that aloud, I've never admitted it. I never wanted to admit it he was my whole fucking world. He was the only person in my life who truly cared about me, and yes he might've fucked up a few times but I loved him. The night he died was the first night where I felt completely alone and every night after that the feeling has never gone away," She choked on a sob, "And Im the reason he died. And if I'm the reason Junior got hurt, then I don't know what I'll do."

I frowned, sliding  infront of her. She criss-crossed her legs allowing me to sit closer. I placed my palm onto Brooklyn's knee which practically swallowed it.

"It's not your fault, he wouldn't be a father if he didn't try to save you, Brooklyn. And if Nick and Chase are the assholes that fucked with Junior then that still has nothing to do with you, that's on them." I told her. I knew for a fact whatever I said was going to go straight through her head but I tried anyways. I lifted my thumb and wiped the tears off her face, feeling her soft skin under my finger.

"I can't believe that it's only been 4 months and I'm..."

"Whipped?" She suggested, a tiny giggle leaving her lips, I nodded. "Do you.. um.. remember when we were talking in the Library and you said that you thought you loved me?" She asked quietly, keeping her eyes glued down to her fumbling fingers in her lap.

I nodded.

"Did you.. mean that..?"

"Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?" I responded, she didn't speak again. I saw as she flashed her sparkly brown eyes up to meet mine, "I think i love you too." She said smiling shyly.

My stomach fluttered looking down at the nervous girl. Ofcourse in the moment there were a billion Nicholas Spark lines I could've said in response to her love confession but I just brought my lips right down to hers. I cupped her soft warm cheeks, rubbing the pad of my thumb against her ear. She removed her hands from the pockets of her sweatshirt and attached them to my cheeks as well. Her kiss felt like everything good in the world— like sunny rain, blue raspberry popsicles, like Fourth of July fireworks, like warm sand and bare feet. At this moment I knew I loved her. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation or maybe the stress, or maybe it was just the bliss ignorance of youth. But I no longer thought.. I knew. I knew I loved her. And I knew I was doomed.

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