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By Monday I was allowed to return to school. The sound of rain beat down against the roof above Mrs. Wilkins classroom, making it better I felt the vibrations from the incoming texts against my backside and didn't take much to know it was Harry. I left it there though, I shouldn't let him impede on my schoolwork since that always comes first but it was too hard to focus, I kept replaying the scenario of our meeting in my head. And I have been for the past 4 days.

My mother, Harry's grandmother, and whatever sorry soul is forced to love that racist fuck bag, in the same room together, all at once. My mom was happy I wasn't hurt again, and Harry's grandma was more disappointed he hurt someone instead of dealing with the issue.

"Brooklyn Nights! Can you turn  that off!" My teacher shouted suddenly, dropping the chalk in her hand. I jumped in my seat, making it scrape against the tile floor, emitting a wonderful sound making everyone around me groan in pain.

"Y-Yeah.. im sorry," I practically whispered, pulling my phone from my jean pocket and putting it on Do Not Disturb. "Next time a cellphone, Twitter, Facebook, or IMac disrupts my lecture.. I will not hesitate to confiscate it!" She yelled, I just nodded.


"Lunch couldn't have come faster," I sighed, flopping down next to Maggie at our usual lunch table in the back. She nodded in agreement, pulling out a sandwich and taking a bite into it. "You're not eating?" Maggie asked, her mouth full but I still understood and nodded. "No.. I forgot to pack something, and I'm not that hungry" I chuckled and she frowned, passing a chocolate chip granola bar across the table. I shrugged, sighing and unwrapping it. As soon as I lifted the half-melted, sticky, chocolatey snack up to my lips someone sat down. This time, a boy.

"Hey Maggie," the boy smiled at her, taking her bag and removing a bag of chips. She groaned, snatching it away from him. "Get your own, fat ass" she scoffed and he just laughed.

"Brooklyn, this is my shit brother, Carter. Carter this is my friend Brooklyn," Maggie introduced us and I nodded.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who got Chase and Nick suspended?" He asked and Maggie slapped him. "You can't just ask her that!" She scream-whispered at him, meanwhile i sat there being uncomfortable.

"N-No, I didn't mean it like that. Just, um, good job. They were assholes," Carter corrected himself and I just smiled uncomfortably. "Um.. what year are you in?"

".... I'm a junior- I'm in year 12.. sorry," I laughed, mentally slapping myself for using the wrong term, Carter chuckled also.

"She's American,"

Carter whispered to no one in particular. Maggie's grey eyes rolled exaggeratedly. "Yeah," I said lowly, scratching up my arm. "....oh! Um, I'm in Year 13." He said and I nodded.

"Can you go? Your stupidness is causing me physical pain," Maggie groaned and Carter sighed, "I'll see you, brooklyn." Carter said and Maggie shook her head vigorously. "No you won't, stop stealing my friends!" She called after him, as he walked out of the cafeteria.

"He's cute." I laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"He's annoying and 18. I'm so excited for him to go to college and go far... far, far, far away.." Maggie said and I rolled my eyes. "Do you have any siblings?" She asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, I do. I have a little brother. He's eleven"

"Oh, that's-" Maggie began but was cut off by my phone ringing. I sighed, already knowing who was calling me. "You okay? Who's this character always trying to contact you?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I'm fine and I'm sorry." I responded before picking up the phone call. "Brooklyn? Brooklyn! I- oh my god, um, can you meet me in the Library next period?" Harry asked and I scoffed.

"No, I have class." I lied.

"You have study hall, I checked. Just meet me by the big window and give me 15 minutes. That's all I need, I just wanna talk to you-"

"I don't wanna talk to you" I exaggerated, still trying to keep my voice down. "Brooklyn, even if you're 100% done with me and that's what you've decided.. we still can't just leave it like this. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm not gonna convince you to forgive me, I just want to explain, alright? I want you to know the truth. Please, just come see me. I miss y-"

I hung up.

"Are you alright? Who was that?" Maggie questioned frantically and I shook my head. "I-It was just an old friend, I really need to go. I'll see you later Maggie" I smiled at her, she just nodded. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and stood from the lunch bench before rushing out of the cafeteria.

In a few minutes I had arrived at the Library, ofcourse there was still 10 minutes left of lunch and so it was not that packed. I walked over to the big window, seeing Harry from afar. His hands were in a fist infront of his mouth, one of them wrapped, and his right leg was shaking. I hadn't really really looked at him in almost 3 weeks. Every encounter I had with him I couldn't get myself to look him in the eyes, I felt like I would just fall further for him. And as I look at him, I feel myself falling.

I can't let him hurt me again.
I can't let him hurt me again.
I can't let him hurt me again.

I repeat to myself as I begin to walk closer and closer to him, his eyes diverted to me and, just then, I fell for him all over again.

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