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"Harry?" A soft voice asked, walking into my room. I sat up on my bed fast only to see Sam walking through the door. She looked almost nothing like the way I left her. Her dark brown hair was now a dark blonde and she has bangs falling infront of her pale forehead. Her usually pale lips were painted the same shade of red as her eyelids.

context: sam(antha) was harry's ex girlfriend,, who told brooklyn that they were dating on the phone

"That Brooklyn?" She chuckled, pointing at my phone on my bed. I then remembered she was the root of Brooklyn and I's first fight. I just furrowed my eyebrows at her, unsure of what to say.

"Bad start?" She said, shoving her hands into her back jean pockets. "Why did you tell her we were dating?" I asked abruptly, she just shrugged, "I don't know"

"Don't bullshit me, Sam."

"I'm not bullshitting anyone," She laughed sickly, "it just sort of slipped,"

"You had a boyfriend, how can something like that just slip?"

"It's not like you were dating the girl, relax. It's been almost 3 months I thought we were over this?" She asked. I couldn't believe she was being serious. I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Okay. I'm sorry, does that fix it?" She cursed. "I took her virginity and then literally 10 minutes later she answers my phone and hears a random girl call herself my girlfriend and say her pregnancy results came back. So, you tell me if that fixed it." I snapped, she looked down at her feet, feeling guilty.

"...Sorry." I said, "I.. It's fine. We made up, don't worry about it." I continued, the knot of guilt in my stomach slowly unfolding. Her big green eyes slowly made their way back off of the floor, "I got you something." She said slowly, holding out a pink and white polkadot gift bag.

"Sam, you don't need-"

"It's no big deal. Just, open it." She said walking over to my bed and sitting down. I figured it would be awkward if I stood so I sat beside her. I slowly removed the dark wrapping paper only to pull out a picture frame of us. It was from sophomore homecoming, a few weeks before we stopped talking. I smiled remembering the night again, uncomfortably enough we were kissing in the photo.

"Wow." I chuckled, she smiled.

"I found it in my journal and I felt like maybe you'd wanna have it," She said, sliding her hand closer to mine, "I've really missed you. Now that you've only got a few months left in England.. maybe we can resume what we left off." She suggested. I almost laughed. Was she being serious? Her hand went to her curly blonde hair and flipped it to a different side, "What do you think?" She whispered and I chuckled, standing up.

"I.. I have a-"

"Harry! Sam! Dinner's ready!" Ashton yelled excitedly, skipping into my room.

"Sammy! Can you sit with me, please?" He said jumping up to the blonde and grabbing her pale hand. "Yeah sure, bud." She smiled letting Ashton pull her up and drag her out of the room as I followed behind them- confused and mildly disgusted.

nights; h.s.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon