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         A little blue bunny was alone at Foster Care after her mother and father were dead in accident cars, and different three parents took her three sisters. Her three sisters don't want to be split around as they wanted together and worriedly about their blue sister had problem 'thing.' A little blue bunny ran away from foster care to look for her sisters but she can't find them and wondering street at night. She was very lonely and weakness until she collapsed down and lay there. A car almost passed but one of the passengers noticed a little blue bunny collapsed and stopped the driver to stop a car. One of the passengers out of a car and ran to a little blue bunny to crunched down. The passenger was female golden bear said soft "Hey, little girl? Are you okay?" A golden bear got responded from a little blue bunny soft groan and lot pain. A golden bear noticed that she was pain and took her to a car.

A golden bear said "Please. Watch a little bunny. Fred, Fredrick." Two golden and brown-orange cubs named were Fred and Fredrick nodding and keep an eye on her. A golden bear sat in a car and said "Joe, this little girl is hurt. She need go to a hospital."

A male black bear named Joe nodding and said: "Why is she here, Rose?" Joe sounded like worried about this happen. A female golden bear named Rose shake her head means she did not know.

Rose said, "We will ask her later after going the hospital."

Joe was nodding and starting to drive as they went to a hospital. They arrived hospital and Joe took a little bunny to carried her to a hospital. Rose got buckle off of Fred and Fredrick. Fred was 5 and Fredrick was 4. They entered to nurse where she sat and typed on a computer. A nurse looked at Joe and others until she noticed familiar a blue bunny on Joe's arms. A nurse got shocked and yelling "Oh No! Get doctors, Now! It is Bonbon Jones!"

The doctors and nurses rushed to helped Bonbon to a treatment room for Bonbon need the thing. Rose, Joe, and two cubs followed them with a nurse. They wait for doctors and nurses do treat Bonbon and leave. One of the doctors said "That close. She is lucky by you found Bonbon. I will back for checks Bonbon soon if she is waking up. Nurse Matilda, keep an eye on Bonbon please." Nurse Matilda was nodding with understanding. A doctor nodding and leave.

Rose and Joe got surprised and asked a nurse "You know this little bunny?"

A nurse turns her head look at them to nodded and explained "Yes I know her. She always came here for pretty severe illness when she born with it. Also, she lost her mother and father who killed in car accident. I heard it from Foster Care about Bonbon's three sisters are adopted by different three parents, but poor little girls don't want to leave Bonbon for her sake..."

Rose and Joe felt sorry for Bonbon but worried why is she out? Rose said "We found her on the street. Why is she out late?"

A nurse got surprised and said "Must she went to look for her sisters... I felt bad for them..."

Rose and Joe understood and worriedly about her until they noticed Fred and Fredrick stay Bonbon's side that she on a bed with wheels. Rose asked him "I know hard times but how about adopting her to care her? I am sure that Fred and Fredrick will happy and stay Bonbon all moments like Bonbon's sisters. Oh, what kind of her illness?"

A nurse got surprised when Rose and Joe planning to adopt Bonbon and whispered them until they got shocked and Joe said "Wow. Must she fight for her life? We don't choose but ahead to adopting her to care her. We will promise her to look to find her sisters when she is getting old enough. I hate that, but I want to know what her sisters names?"

A nurse smiled and said "Koshi, Kumori, Boo Boo Jones. Koshi is gold, Kumori is black, and Boo Boo is blackish blue."

Joe was nodding and asked once time "Do you know where Foster Care for we will adopt Bonbon. I know this medication is much money, but we will do for her."

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