Chapter 21

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           Baron walking to Bonbon's room with the pills for Elliott. He arrives at a room and sees the three female bunnies with Elliott and Bonbon. Baron says, "Oh? That you, Koshi, Kumori, and Boo Boo?"

Elliott nods and says, "Yes, they are my daughters. So, pills?" Baron nods and walking to Elliott and give the pills to him. He walking to sink and take a small cup of filling a water. He walking to give a water cup to Elliott. Elliott takes the pills in his mouth and drinks a water. He is done and says, "Thanks."

Kumori says, "What is wrong, Dad?"

Before Elliott says, Baron sighs and says, "He has a headache. Should will stop it when taking the pills. So, need private? Look like you talking about..."

Elliott says, "Yes, I talking them about my decision."

Baron nods and leaving but he meets his brothers and says, "Hey, What are you doing here?"

Springtrap says, "Well, Our father went to an abandoned factory, but why he is going there..."

Baron is surprised and says, "Okay, I am going too. Let's me talking to the nurses." Springtrap and the brothers nod and watch Baron walking to talking one of the nurses. Baron says, "Zensho and I are out now. Can you call some doctors to come here, please? Can you hold a surgery for Elliott and Bonbon when I get back, okay?" A nurse nods and calling to the doctors. Baron walking to back his brothers and says, "Ok, we are ready to go. I hope dad is okay. Must thing happen there..." Springtrap nods and walking to outside with the brothers. They arriving at Theo's truck and get inside. Springtrap starts to drive a truck. They are leaving a hospital.


Freddy asks Theo, "Where Springtrap and others go?"

Theo says, "They go to get their father but they found out he is at an abandoned factory. I don't know why he went there."

Freddy is worrying and says, "I hope no any trouble..."

Theo pat on Freddy's shoulder and says, "That okay, your older brother and others are on way to assist them." Freddy nods and talking others. Theo sighs and notices Rocky who worried and thinking, very deep.

Rocky walking out of a room to Bonbon's room. Rocky arrives and says, "Got minute, Elliott?" Elliott is confused and get up to walking.

Elliott says, "You stay here. I am talking with Rocky some times. Okay? Take thinking about I talking about my decision." The sisters nod and sadly. Elliott smiles in sadness and walking away with Rocky.

Rocky says, "I hear from Theo. Something happens to Maxie. Like, happen same to our friends."

Elliott is worrying and says, "I guess that guy want to kill us because we did abandon our old gangster group for our wives..."

Rocky says, "Yeah, I know this guy, he was part of our old gangster group, Wild Animals. Now he is very angry and killing one by one of our friends with wives. If he is come here to kill just you and me. I will protect you from him because you want to give your heart up for Bonbon right?"

Elliott nods and says, "I will care when he is here. I can't blame him, also there some polices did catch some members of our gangster group."

Rocky nods and says, "Well, Tiger Hunter, Maxie Club, Joop Baker, Rossiter Cooper, Huritt Fox, Rowtag Russell, Ethan Berry, Wyatt Stephens, Kato Armstrong, Felix Oliver, you and me who broken some police cars to free members."

Elliott is sadly and says, "Then Tiger, Joop, Rossiter Huritt, Rowtag, Ethan, Wyatt, Kato, and Felix were dead. Only three alive are Maxie, you and me. Even wives but Jayce is alive. I feel sorry for the kids who lost fathers and mothers."

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